|Chapter 3- The dilemma|

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[Ash's POV]

"Ash, Ash, wake u--" I heard, 

everything was fuzzy in my head, Wait, that was her voice, Serena, the girl I love, she was finally awake, yes, she was right there.

"I'm up Sere, I really lo--" I stopped.

 what was I thinking? I couldn't say that, she thinks of me as just a friend, her best friend, I can't put this burden on her without her consent, not today!

"you spaced out a bit there, and what were you saying?" She innocently asked, I loved her so much, but I couldn't say it,

 yet I didn't want to hurt every day, 

I never thought it would ever come to this, but I think.... moving on from her is the best thing I could do... for both of us, But I can't do it can I? I'm too in love with her to ever move on...

a few tears escaped my eyelids.

"Ash, why are you crying?" She asked, an anxious look making it's way on her face. 

"N-no, I was saying I l-l-like... uhhhhhh..  POTATOES yeah Potatoes" I saved myself.

"Anyways, I'll get you out, let me talk to the staff," I told her wiping the tears, and rushing out.

[Serena's POV]

I was left alone, just me and my thoughts,

when he cried, the way his glassy eyes held no spark of hope in them, they hurt me, seeing him like that hurt me.

How do I even know I can trust him?

No, I can trust him! his eyes, they held the truth and truth only, there is no way he's there to hurt me!

I was snapped out of my chain of thoughts by the one and only Ash ketchum.

"Come on Sere, the doctor wants you with him to Assess you one last time" He asked me nonchalantly while I struggled to pick myself up from the ground.

"Whoa there missy, let me help ya out" He winked with a playful smile before picking me up on his back.

It felt.... almost nostalgic... so nostalgic even, a few tears escaped my eyes.

"Sere? why are you crying? WAIT DID I HURT YOU?! OH I'm soo sorry, I can't even do ONE job right!" He started panicking, his state made me release a few muffled giggles.

"I'm okay! don't worry, Nothing could go wrong with you around" The last few words almost slid out of my mouth, it was almost like my mouth had a mind of its own.

"Thats, not true..." He mumbled softly, thinking I didn't hear him, but low and behold, I did. but I thought to save the question for later.


The doctor examined me, his reaction was a bit funny, He was so very surprised that I had recovered that quickly.

Although he prescribed me a few medicines and recommended bedrest.

"Are these the bitter ones?" I whined.

"Yes they are, and you have to take them" Ash replied with a evil grin.

"Awww" I groaned sadly.

"Well if you won't take them, you'll have to suffer the tickle monster" He said so in a funny tone.

"Oh, no not the tickle monster" I sarcastically exclaimed.

"Moving on, Sere, do you... really not remember anything? or anyone?" He asked me, much to my surprise.

"Well I do remember a few people, I think it was just you that I forgot, I'm so very sorry Ash, I wish I could remember you" I guiltily told him.

"Well at least you didn't forget our promise to always be truthful" He replied with a sad smile.

Currently we were sitting in the back of a taxi, the streets of kanto covered in a thin layer of sakura leaves, passing us by, gentle breeze making the leaves dance, and produce a sweet whisper, the sun setting down in the sky, meeting the horizon, orange tint covered the sky as birds made their way back to their nest.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked.

"About us" I replied with a snarky smile on my face.

"You mean as in trying to remember me?" He figured.

"Yea, were we dating or something?" I asked, he seemed like a nice guy, not as in I've fallen for him, its just, a feeling....

"I- Uh.. -WHa? no, pshhh of course not" He shot back, stuttering a bit, and I felt broken at that reply for some reason, I've just met him, I don't even remember him, but why does he have this effect on me...

[Ash's POV]

I lied.... I lied straight to her face, I- I broke our promise.... I was filled to the brim with self guilt, I wanted to kill myself after seeing the broken look that fell upon her usually shining with joy.

"Oh..." She silently sighed.

"So how did we meet?" she excitedly asked, regaining her composure, she was really like a little kitten when excited.

"Guess some things never change, eh?" I chuckled quietly.

"Anyways, believe it or not we first met when we were 7!" I exclaimed and she exclaimed in awe gesturing me to tell her the story.


that fateful day, we were both on a summer camp trip to the forest near pallet town.

Professor Oak had told us that we could go and explore the forest, 

I ran deep into the forest to look for something and I finally found a little rabbit, I went towards it as sneakily as I could, but I guess it heard me because it ran away, it ran from bush to bush and I followed it, "Bunny?" I said as I entered the bush 

there, I saw a little girl with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes laying there crying softly,

"What happened?" I asked the girl, "I-I hurt my knee" she replied pointing to her knee, I bent down and took my handkerchief out, I then wrapped that ribbon around her knee as a bandage, "All done, by the way my name is Ash, Ash ketchum" I exclaimed before standing up, "I-I'm Serena," the girl whimpered this out, she whimpered again as she tried standing up but couldn't due to the pain,

"Now watch this, Feel better, Feel better right away!" I chanted as he threw his hands in the air at the end, Serena however was confused at the act, I then stood up

"Don't give up till it's over, Kay? Now c'mon" I told the girl as I put a hand out for her to take, She took it and I guess I pulled it too hard as we ended up in a hug.

~~~Flashback End~~~

"Now that I think about it, our 'How we met' story was actually pretty cute" I cheered.

"you were always the chivalrous type, damn" she tried teasing me.

We soon came to a stop, we were at our house, 


AANNDD THAT'S IT, Hope you enjoyed it! I'm getting back to writing, FINALLY :D Draco out!

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