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[Ash's POV]

"Hang in there Serena! everything will be alrigh-- Hey, hey don't close your eyes, please, stay with me Sere, please" I pleaded to her with desperation, I was rushing down the hospital corridors, Tears stained my cheeks. 

Serena looked tired but I couldn't let her go, I just couldn't, call me selfish, but I-I can't live without her, she wore a light blue patient gown, blood staining the sky color of the gown.

"Serena please, D-D-Don't leave m-me" I pleaded again the tears flowed down my face like waterfalls.

Soon all I could hear was the obnoxious beeping coming from a particular room down the corridor, I wanted to take Serena and run right that moment, but I knew I couldn't for her safety.

"Sir you'll have to wait here," A doctor said as Serena's bed went further and further into the room.

"NO, SERENA-- LET ME GO!" I yelled out fighting the doctor but I lost, I couldn't bear losing her, it'll be too much.

"Why- Why god, WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!?" I shouted in the corridor while looking at the ceiling, I was on my knees, and I broke down, right then and there, I broke down like a little kid.

"Se-Sere-Serena" I choked on her name.

"P-please d-d-don't leave me, please" I pleaded while slamming my fists on the ground continuously, my voice becoming smaller.

"Sir, she's gonna be okay, her blood pressure has been stabilized, little to no internal bleeding was found, but--" I cut him off

"But?" I asked, my anxiousness growing each passing second

"But, she is in a state of mild coma, it can take her 3 to 4 weeks to recover from it" He replied with a sigh, I swear I saw him flinch at my tone, as much as I wanted to vent my frustration on him, I just didn't have the strength to, I continued crying in pain.

 first my mom, and now Serena? Why god, please tell me why is it always me.

"Big brother, where is Serena, and why are you crying?" a tiny voice asked me as I felt something pulling on my pants.

That was leaf, my 6-year-old little sister, she had an innocent look on her face.

"I-I'm s-sorry leaf, I-I couldn't s-s-save Serena" I cried before hugging her, I felt like a light piece of glass, just one small push and I'd break.

"What do you mean big brother?" she asked, tilting her head innocently.

"S-she i-i-is in there, T-t-the docto--" I got cut off by her.

"Don't worry big brother, I won't let the doctors hurt you!" she turned her face stern with fiery eyes, she then got in front of me and spread her arms in a defensive way, this made me chuckle.

"Don't worry leafy, They won't hurt me" she really makes me forget about everything wrong in the world, but this one time the problem hit me back again.

"Okay! What'd they do to Serena then" She asked again.

"Nothing, It was my carelessness that made whatever is happening to her happen" I sadly replied before telling her what happened


"Ash!" Serena called out

"Hello, there princess! how are ya doing this fine day?" I curtly asked before bowing.

"I'm doing great actually, but only one thing can make this day better!" She replied with a smirk.

"Would this be the 'One thing'?" I asked returning her smirk before pulling her into a kiss.

"This day can't get any better!" She giddily added, and now I know she couldn't have been any more correct.

"Anyways, do you wanna go to the hilltop today?" I asked hoping for a yes, which I did get.

"I'd love to Ash!" she answered.

we crossed the street, got to the top of the hill.

"here you go princess, your favorite!" I said as I presented a picnic basket full of grilled cheese.

"Itodokimasu!" she chanted before munching in.

"Itodokimasu!" I repeated before joining her.

we ate our hearts out, it was super fun, we talked about nothing in particular.

"Ash, catch me if you can!" She yelled before rushing off to the street.

"Is that a challe-- SERENA NO!?" 

[Flashback End]

"I got paralyzed, my body froze, I couldn't do a thi--"

"Don't blame yourself big brother, please don't cry, if you cry I'll also cry" She hugged my while her voice cracked, I hugged her back, I needed some warmth, Leaf's hug provided me with the love I needed. 

A/N: That's all for today's chapter people! now the chapters will be up any time from 1-3 days after the current one, cya'll!

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