|Chapter 2- Awake|

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[Serena's POV]

"Ugghhh--" I groaned due to the intenseness of the bright light that burnt through my eyelids as soon as I gained consciousness, I opened my eyes as they were greeted by a white-colored room with a green strap painted at the bottom of it, shelves upon shelves stacked on the walls. the obnoxious smell of hospitals made its way down my nose and made me anxious,

Why was I in a hospital?

I then heard beeps, making me even more scared. I wanted to run, and trust me, I tried to run, but there was this unknown weight on my legs, that I couldn't shake off, I looked down at them only to find a cute raven haired guy sleeping on my lap,

I sat up and gazed at his features, his sun-kissed face, his z marked cheeks, a relaxed expression gracing his face, he was clad in a blue jacket, white striped tracing down its chain, he had very messy raven hair, The boy seemed all too familiar.

[Ash's POV]

"S-Serena, P-P-please c-come back" I choked out, tears flowing down my face, it had been 5 weeks since she went in Coma, I was scared, more scared than I ever thought I would be, she just laid there every day, nothing, I came to the hospital every day hoping that I'd see her up and well, but it never happened, I was forced out of the hospital, every time, I wanted to kill myself, I wanted to kill myself for letting her go in this state.

I felt my eyes getting heavy, I tried to keep them open but no avail, they closed and I crossed over to the dream world.


"uhh" I awoke to my hair being ruffled by a slim hand, I turned my face stern in astonishment, thinking it was someone hostile, but that stern look soon melted into one of a child who had finally found his parents after a long time.

"S-s-Serena?" I choked out, glassy-eyed, I hugged her without another thought, I didn't want to confirm, it would break me if she wasn't there, I just wanted to be embraced by her, by loved, get to feel the same feeling I felt before all this happened, I wanted to be with her, never leave her...

"I'm sorry Serena, I am very very sorry, I wanted to save you, I can't live without you, never leave me please" I broke down.

[Serena's POV]

I was uncomfortable, not because this random guy suddenly hugged me,
I was uncomfortable because of how comfortable I was in his embrace.

"I missed you so much Sere.." He whispered while I felt his hot breath trickle down my neck.

"Do, I know you?" I asked him, seeing how his face suddenly lost its bright smile, it hurt me, it hurt me badly, I wanted to just kiss him right then and there, kiss all his worries away,

it sounds weird, I know, wanting to kiss someone you just met, but that's how I truly felt, I wanted to hug him, follow him to the ends of hell, but I just met him.

"Y-y-you don't r-remember me?" He shakily asked.

"what do you mean? have we met each other?" I asked him innocently, I then saw his eyes lose every bit of hope, the gleam it was all gone.

"Y-Y-You're kidding, right? right?" He desperately asked, I still had no idea what he was talking about.

"Why would I be kidding?" I asked

"I-You--" he stopped, his eyes closed and he fell limp, he fainted.

"ASH?!" The name flowed out of my mouth effortlessly, touching some fady memories, I picked him up, ignoring the pain that seared through my body when I lifted him,

"Stay here" I gently slapped his face in an attempt to make him regain his consciousness, I looked around for some water, I spotted a side table beside my bed, it had a purple vase with blue flowers daintily sitting in it.

"dire situations require dire solutions!" I said to myself before taking the flowers out of the pot, taking some water in my hands, and sprinkling some on his face, I saw him flinch and relief washed over me.

"Don't you ever scare me like that" I fake-scolded.

"Why are you acting this way? you don't even remember me, do you?" He asked before scoffing sadly.

"I can't just leave someone alone in the time of need? can I?" I replied.

[Ash's POV]

I wish I could say the same, she's still the same, sweet, helpful, kind, playful girl I fell in love with, I can't just suddenly tell her that we were dating, she doesn't remember me, If I look at it from her perspective, 

I wouldn't trust a random dude that just stated that I was in a relationship with them, I can't force this burden onto her, it'd be too much for her, She doesn't love me, I can't force her to.

"By the way, what's your name?" She asked me, the all too familiar questioning expression on her face.

"Some things never change, do they?" I whispered incoherently.

"Hmm?" She questioningly hummed.

"Ash, Ash Ketchum!" I introduced.

"Hello there Ash, I'm Serena Yvonne, and also, I feel bad for not remembering you, could you please tell me how we knew each other?" She asked me, tilting her head to the side.

"We...... uhh, we were--" I got cut off by her.

"We were?" she impatiently added.

"We were, best of friends, but we can start over, I wouldn't want to be 'best friends with a guy I don't remember either" I chuckled, as much as it hurt me, calling us best friends, calling two lovers best friends, I couldn't, I just couldn't force the burden of us being in a relationship onto her.

"Are you sure?" She asked, 

she still was the little girl I met at camp, 

the one that was hurt, but still worried about me when I bumped into a tree.

A/N: Hey ppl, I'm back, a lil. change in my schedule, I'll update once every two days from today, Damn I've been away for a long time haven't I,
was kinda hard to get back into writer mode, lol, hope the writing isn't degraded

Tell me if the writing degraded over the week, Please!

Draco out! 

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