|Chapter 1- The Dark Void|

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[Serena's POV]


It's all so cold, 

where am I?

"Ash? Are you there?" I yelled but no response.

"Hello? Anyone?" My pleads for help echoed through the dark void.

"A-Ash? W-w-where a-am I?" I asked myself before falling to my knees.

"IS ANYONE THERE!? COULD SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE I AM?!" I yelled in rage before falling down again.


I feel warm

the warmth in which I could bask in for eternity, sleep like a baby, forget all about my problems.

"Don't worry Serena, you'll be alright!" I heard a faint voice that reminded me of Ash.

I felt a small piece of paper beside me so I scratched his name on it, in hopes of him somehow noticing it. 

a light appeared on top of me but disappeared the very next second as I tried to reach for it, everything went black, I couldn't feel anything, the next thing I knew was I woke up in the same dark void.

"Huh? what happened? who's voice was that?" I asked myself before sitting up in the dark void only to hear the rustling of paper beside me.

"Ash" I pronounced what was written on the paper, I knew I somehow remembered the name but I didn't know what it was, I felt like I had a strong bond with this Ash person.

the dark void beside me started disappearing and turned into a small city, but it was still very ominous, no one was on the streets, it was all empty?

"Hello! anyone there?" I yelled again in hopes of finding a reply.

"Ouch!" I tripped on a rock and scraped my knee, The city soon also disappeared and turned into a forest which felt very nostalgic for some reason.

I looked at my hands for some sort of sign as to what was happening and saw them getting, smaller?

"Hello? is anyone there?" I yelled as I recognized my voice to become thinner.

"Mommy!" I yelled soon to be interrupted by the rustling of a bush near me.

"Who's there?" A cute voice asked as the bush cleared away to reveal a short boy with messy raven hair, his cute z marks reminded me of someone but it was all too blurry to remember.

"I-I hurt m-myself" My mouth moved on its own, I didn't know what was happening.

"Here let me help you!" the boy came near me, I moved back, scared of this stranger but winced in pain caused by my knee.

"Don't worry I won't bite" he joked which made me chuckle too.

"Now, here," he said as he bent down and pulled out a blue handkerchief,

"Pain Pain, Go away!" He chanted as he did a little gesture with his hands

"Better?" He asked

"it still hurts a bit" I replied, biting my bottom lip in pain.

"Here!" He stood up and put a hand out for me to grab, which I reluctantly did, he then ran his hand in mine, the moment felt magical, the scenery changed again, we were now in a field full of dandelions, the boy seemed to have grown a few feet, and I was also back to my original size.

"You enjoying this Sere?" He asked me and called me by a nickname which I felt giddy for.

"I sure am, but I'm still sure I can beat you in a race" I challenged with a smirk, my hair falling out from the bun they apparently were in.

"We'll see about that!" He returned my smirk and let go of my hand, much to my dismay for some reason.

"3... 2... 1, GO!" he timed before we started sprinting towards the end of the field.

the air felt so good on my face, the sunrays were the perfect temperature, I looked at him and he looked at me we smirked at each other before picking up more speed.

I tripped on a rock (Boy am I clumsy) and fell on Ash, time slowed down and the scenery changed again, it was now sunset and we were on a beach, time was passing slowly, we were midair when the change happened.

I fell on him and he yelled, "Gotcha!" excitedly, before tickling me.

"Haahahhahaha, A-Ash s-hhahah-s-ha-stop!" I formed in between my laughter.

"Say that you love me then!" He teased.

"I love you! now staaap" I said in frustration, but I felt like a lot of weight had been lifted off of me as soon as I said that, but I soon added something to tease him.

"Like a little brother" I winked and ran away, leaving him dumbfounded.

"HEY!? NO FAIR" He whined as he realized what I said.

"You're not getting away from me this time Serry!" He yelled before picking up even more speed, He was about to tag me but then everything disappeared, the dark black void was back again.

"Sere, please wake up, I-I miss you" I heard a faint voice say, the light came back and this time it didn't disappear, I reached up to the light.

I soon snapped awake from a dream I didn't know I was in, only to find a boy staring at me, surprise etched on his face, his cheeks stained with tears, eyes glassy.


A/N: Early update because I was bored :P, how'd ya like it?

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