Steve Rogers - App Store

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WARNING (I think?) Does swearing need a warning? Either way, there's literally just one swear word. Also enjoy the random picture of TWS movie I paused on last night.

"Hey, (y/n)?" Steve asked from the corner. You looked up from the work you were doing to acknowledge you heard. "What's Wattpad?"

Slowly, you lowered your pen and forced a smile. "It's a place where you can read loads of books online. You can find literally anything on there."

"Do you have it?"

"Well... Yes. I don't use it much though. Why?"

"Tony recommended I get it on my phone. From the app store?"

Your forced smile was replaced by a subtle but sinister one. You didn't really want to be mean but your inner prankster couldn't help itself.

"Yeah, you can get everything from there."

"Really? How do I find it?" Steve then asked.

You shrugged like it was a normal thing to do and said, "I go to the app store in the city. Its a big building. Can't miss it."

"And I can get Wattpad from there?"

You nodded. "Yep."

Steve thought for a moment before standing up and grabbing a coat. "I'll be back soon."

"See ya." You waved goodbye as the door shut and tried to bite back a laugh.

"You are impeccably cruel." Someome said from behind.

"Thank you, kind sir." You mocked a bow to Loki who had been keeping quiet in the shadows the whole time before going back to your work.


You were alone in the room now, finishing your last sentence, just as Steve came back and sat down in his chair, clearly confused about something. A smile slipped over your features before you cleared your throat.

"All right?" You asked him.

Steve turned to you in even more confusion. "I couldn't find the app store."

You pretended to be surprised. "Huh. Did you ask around?"

"Yeah, actually, I did. And you know who I ran into?"

"Who might that be?"


You pursed your lips and looked around. "Loki?"

"You know what he said?" You shook your head and Steve gave you a stern look. "He told me that you were messing with me and that the app store is already on the phone."

"Fucking snitch." You muttered, vowing to have a word with Loki later.

"(Y/n)?" Questioned Steve, getting your attention.

You faced him again with a light shrug. "What a mysterious turnout. I could have sworn it was real."

Yeah, he did not look amused. You spent the rest of the night being lectured on behavioural issues.

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