Thor Odinson - Vader

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You grabbed your pillow and slid out of the bedroom with a huff, closing the door and taking a stroll down the hallway.

You loved Thor with everything you had but by god he knew how to snore. Usually you'd sleep through it and not even notice but tonight you just couldn't. That was why you left.

Your bare feet padded down the dark hallway until you arrived at the door of someone else. You quietly knocked, not wanting to actually wake someone up if they were asleep, but you were still pleasantly surprised to see Natasha in front of you. She was fully clothed and looked like she hadn't even tried to sleep that night.

"(Y/n)?" She questioned.

You did a little wave. "Hey, Nat. Do you mind if I stay with you tonight?"

She stepped aside and closed the door once you were inside. "Where's Thor?"

"Snoring." She nodded in understanding and let you sit down on the bed. You then looked up when she sat down on the other side of the room by a window instead. "Aren't you tired?"

Natasha shook her head. "I don't sleep much. I'll try to be quiet though."

"Oh, okay."

You then lay down with your pillow in hand and closed your eyes, waiting for the morning.


You woke up with a small groan. Bringing up a hand to scratch your head, you saw that you were alone in Natasha's room. She must have gone for breakfast already.

You then sat up and took your pillow under your arm, deciding to change clothes and shower, not necessarily in that order though. You remembered to thank Nat when you saw her as well.

After your shower you headed down the elevator and walked into the lounge where you found a few of the team just hanging around. You quickly found Natasha looking at her phone in the corner and walked on over.

"(Y/n). How did you sleep?" She asked once she noticed you.

You gave her a smile. "Great. Thanks for letting me crash."

"Yeah, no problem. Although I think you made Thor a little sad."

She motioned behind you and you saw Thor sitting on the couch with his back to you. You could tell he was deep in thought by the way his shoulders slouched and how he wasn't looking anywhere but straight ahead.

"Ah, I better go explain."

She waved you off and you took a seat next to Thor. He finally looked up to see you and a small smile flickered on his face.

"Hey." You greeted.

"Are you okay?" Was his first question.

You gave a small nod. "I'm fine. You?"

"Where did you go? I was very worried when I couldn't find you."

"I crashed with Nat for the night."

"Are you sure everything is all right?"

You smiled when you saw the concern on his face and nodded again. "I promise. I just needed a peaceful night because no offence, you snore like Darth Vader having an asthma attack sometimes."

Thor simply grinned like a kid. "I am your father!"

You laughed and nodded. "All right then."

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