Thor Odinson - Worthy

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Your entire face was red as you angrily tossed some food wrappers into the trash can under your arm. This was the seventh time you'd come back into the lounge to find it a littered mess.

You see, you were a bit of a clean freak. You hated when people didn't clean up after themselves and it always seemed to fall to you to clear it up again. You were getting sick of it at this point.

It was when you went behind the couch and found an entire pot noodle had been spilled on the floor that you lost it.

You pulled open the door to the kitchen where most of the team would be hanging around for lunch and you grabbed the nearest thing by the door to use it as a threatening weapon. You didn't care what it was but hopefully it would get the angry message across.

"All right, boys and girls." You started, brandishing the 'weapon'. "We need to have a meeting."

"Is that absolutely necessary?" Tony asked with a groan as he spun around on his chair, going wide eyed when he saw what you held.

You, who still hadn't noticed, just nodded. "Yes, it is. And as you didn't raise your hand your heinous question will be stricken from the record."

It took you a while until you noticed the stares and finally realised what you were holding as your weapon. Thor's hammer was in your hand and you nearly dropped it in surprise. Fortunately, Thor caught it and grinned at your proudly.

"I told you she was worthy." He said to the others proudly.

You were standing there like an idiot in stunned silence as you watched people exchange money.

"I'm worthy?" You asked yourself. "Oh, hell yes. You guys are in for a world of pain now."

Let's just say no one left a mess again.

Marvel Imagines (Requests: ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz