Chess glowed for a second. 
"He hasn't said a word about our age difference."

Khemp breathed a sigh that was louder than he expected.  Everyone else was so quiet, it only made it stand out more.

Fair asked:  "What is it?"

"Nothing...  I'm just happy for Air."

Now all the eyes turned and looked at Khemp.

"What do you mean?"

"You know how Nong'Del is the prince of this farm?"

Khemp smiled at the circle of tuned-in ears.    

"Air just became the Queen and he doesn't even know it."

Chester definitely loved the sound of Khemp's declaration.  He got up from his chair and went behind Khemp.  Chester bent and hugged his shoulders.

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Arpa was around the farm more often in the off-season.  She had more free time and spent a lot of it with Little Joe,  Del,  and BlakJak.  

Air stood in the doorway of his small classroom.  He watched Arpa and Chess as they chatted in the driveway.  She had a big thermos.  It was something cold for the kids to drink.  Chess took it from her as they started to walk.

Chess was smiling ear to ear.  Arpa was rubbing high on his back and slapping it.  It made Air think of congratulations.  Their closeness could be seen all the way across the lawn.


Chess put the thermos on the flat-topped stump of a sawed-off tree.  It had a spout that needed twisting for the cold juice to come out.  The boys stood in line and filled their cups.  They told Arpa and Chester that the vet was showing them how a horse's feet need trimming.  They ran off and spilled their juice.

Arpa hopped up on the stump.  "Is it different this time?"  Her feet didn't reach the ground.

Chess played coy.  "Is what different?"

"Why the sex of course."  Arpa chuckled and pushed on his shoulder.  

"Falling in love...  is it different with Air than it was with Pool?"

Chester answered with complete honesty.  "It's not the same at all.  I didn't grow up with Air the way I did with Pool.  I was never nervous with Pool."  Chester waved his hand and changed his thought. 
"Yes,  Pool and I got nervous,  but we were so young and we experimented with each other.  Um,  at least that's how it started."

Chess stepped close enough that she could push him again.
"I'm petrified with Air.  I don't want to hurt him or rush him.  I don't want to do anything that will upset him."

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