Christa looked at her somewhat upset.

"Yeah, I know. Stupid move on my part." Ymir said looking down.

"What about Daz?! Is he-" Christa said but cut herself off.

Ymir looked toward a window of one of the cabins. Christa looked the same direction as her and saw Daz was shivering from the cold inside one of the cabins. Christa then looked behind her toward the cliff where she last saw Ymir.

"From all the way up there? You didn't have any rope on you. And even if you did, just how?" Christa questioned.

Ymir sighed and stood up.

"Alright, if I'm gonna trust someone, might as well be you. Just give me your word that when I have to reveal myself to everyone, promise. Promise to take back your name and live your life." Ymir said as she turned back and looked at Christa.


Ymir jumped off the watchtower.

"YMIR!" Christa yelled.

Ymir cut herself and sparks of lightning began emerging and then she turned into a Titan. Then an orb of lightning surrounded Ymir and began to transform into a Titan. Ymir transformed into a Titan and let out a roar.

Ymir began to rip the Titans apart and also bit at their napes. Reiner, Bertholdt, Connie, and Christa were shocked.

"Can somebody please tell me this is a dream." Connie said.

"It was her that day." Reiner muttered. He began to remember his past where a Titan ate one of his friends.

"She's the one." Bertholdt said.

Ymir continued to rip the Titans apart. She then dodged one of the Titans charging at her. The Titan hit the tower and shook it around a little. Christa was sent over the edge and fell, luckily, she was caught by Reiner who then set her down.

Ymir was then grabbed by Titan and began to eat her. She got out of the Titan's grip and tried to climb up the tower but was pulled down. Ymir was worried about knocking the tower.

"Woah, what is she doing?" Connie asked.

Ymir let out a roar and began to kill more Titans.

"Oh, c'mon. You're kidding, right? She's worried about knocking the tower over?" Connie questioned.

"Exactly. She didn't have to stay. She could've chosen to escape. Nothing's keeping her here. Even still, she's fighting. It's us! She's risking her life for us..." Christa said.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this? Why?" Christa questioned. She stood over the ledge.

"Don't you die me! Not in a place like this! Damn you! You want to be the hero all the sudden? You wanna go out in a blaze of glory?! Are you stupid?! It's too late for you to try and get into heaven! You're a selfish bitch and you know it! You'll die protecting this stupid tower! Tear it to pieces!" Christa yelled. Connie was trying to restrain her.

Ymir then began to demolish the tower and threw the bricks at the Titans' faces. Ymir continued to throw bricks at the Titans until the tower became structurally unsound and began to tip over. Ymir went up the tower.

"Want to live? Grab on tight." Ymir said.

Everyone held on to strands of her hair and braced themselves for impact. The tower fell over and crushed the Titans underneath it. Everyone fell off her Titan and noticed that there were Titans still alive.

"Hey, ugly! You've got a job to finished!" Connie shouted.

Ymir went and killed any Titan that she spotted. She bit the nape of one of the Titans. A Titan came up behind Ymir and grabbed her by the head and smashed her straight to the ground headfirst. More and more Titans came out the rubble and went for Ymir. All the Titans then launched themselves at Ymir and began to eat her. Everyone was staring in horror as the Titans ripped Ymir apart.

"They're eating her!" Connie said shocked and his eyes were wide open.

Christa was on the verge of tears and began to run toward Ymir.

"Ymir, hold on! We had a deal remember? I still haven't told you my name! I promised you!" Christa said as she ran toward Ymir.

A Titan then came out the rubble and went for Christa. Everyone was moving in slow motion for Christa as she saw the Titan and looked at it dead in the eyes. Then, a streak of both green and blue light filled the air and all the Titans dropped dead on the floor. Two figures then landed one on top of a piece of debris and the other on top of a Titan. It was Eren and Mikasa. They saved them at the last minute.

"Christa. Everyone, get back. It's okay. Let us handle this." Mikasa said.

Everyone looked at Eren and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared and killed all the remaining Titans. After killing what was left, he went over to were the Titans where bunched up. Everyone else followed and gathered around Ymir who was critically wounded.

"Ymir." Christa said worried.

Ymir slightly opened her eyes to look at Christa. A smile grew on Christa's face.

"Just as promised, my real name is...Historia." Christa said.

Ymir then shut her eyes and a faint smile grew on her face.

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