Next day

You were just waking up noticing that Touya wasn't in the living room at all, you started to go to room to room to find him but he was nowhere to be found *where the hell did this man go*. You went to the kitchen finding a note , I'll be right back I went to schedule the photo shoot for today...I was too excited to wait two whole days. Don't cook anything at all I'm bringing some food. After we're done eating I want you to get ready, Touya. "Seriously any- Coming" you went to the front door looking through the peephole seeing Rumi, you opened it immediately to greeting her in "Hey Rumi..why do you look upset" "Keigo told me about his job" "oh um come on in and take a seat"

"Before I talk about him did you choose a name yet" Rumi asked trying to be enthusiastic"mm well if it's a girl Touya wanted her name Dream but if it's a boy I wanted it to be Daichi" (I found out what it means and I loved it we ain't talkin about Dadchi from Haiykuu 😏) Rumi's forced smile went to a frown, "Time for business" Rumi said grabbing your hands and holding them tightly "what am I supposed to do when my husband is running a mafia" Rumi said putting her head down "well I say... accept it like at least he's not cheating on you" you said lifting her head up "I'm a Pro Hero Y/n what will happen if the public knew I'm married to a mafia boss" it looked like she was on the edge of tears but you stopped that real quick by giving her a little slap on the arm "calm down and-hey Touya" you looked over seeing your husband struggling with bags. You walked over to him helping him..he looked so hopeless.

"Can I get a kiss" you looked at Touya wondering if he was ok because usually he would just kiss you right away "I'm guessing that's a yes" Touya said pulling you in for a soft kiss "Ahem before you get to wild I was talking to your wife" Rumi said getting impatient "well your gonna have to wait I haven't seen her all day" Touya said pulling you in for another kiss, this time it was a little more intense "for a woman who had like all the classes in each year line up for you,you choose that" Rumi said looking disgusted "is that a problem" Touya asked "it kinda is" she said getting an attitude with him, Touya sighed and looked at her again "get the fuck out" he said pointing at the door "gladly oh Y/n since this man is being stingy I'll call you" Rumi said getting her stuff and walking out the door "Alright" you waved bye then locked the door. "I got waffles, pancakes, omelettes, croissants, and apple pie" Touya said placing them on the counter "where'd you even get them from" you asked walking over to him "from work" he said looking all proud "well I'll take the waffles and a omelette with two croissants as well" "alright"

Time skip

You two were on the way for the maternity shoot, Touya kinda looked over excited "Touya why are you smiling so hard" you asked looking concerned "I'm just excited" he said smiling some more "I love you but sometimes you make me worry you know that" you said turning back to the window, Touya laughed at you then started to run your stomach "I'm surprised you haven't went into labor yet" Touya said poking at you "well I'm not due till like two weeks" you said tryna move Touya's finger away "stop I like poking-oh shit" You turned your head wondering what's wrong "WHAT" you were about to freak out from how Touya was looking "the kicked" Touya said trying so hard to keep his eyes on the road "TOUYA TODOROKI don't scare me like that" you yelled making Touya laugh at you "I'm sorry" "don't talk to me for the rest of the car ride".

You guys got there right on time gladly, you two were waiting a bit until the set was all ready, "this is exciting" Touya said looking all excited, you just laughed at him. (I'm not going into detail with this so I'm just show the picture)

 (I'm not going into detail with this so I'm just show the picture)

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Imagine something else if yo Don't like it

Time skip back home

You were in the kitchen making dinner when Touya rushed in about to leave out the door "Touya..where you going" you asked walking out of the kitchen "There's a situation at work I need to handle" Touya said fixing his tie "but I made Unagi" you said having a disappointed expression on your face "I know I know but I promise I'll try to get back before you go to sleep ok" he said then gave you a kiss on your forhead, you nodded and watched him leave out the door. Since you didn't want to eat alone you called Keigo "wassup bird brain wanna eat some Unagi wit me... alright hurry up before it gets cold"

"Y/NNN" Keigo yelled flying in your home "Hello Keigo"."So how come you wanted me to come over" Keigo asked stuffing his face "well Rumi's at work and so is Touya" you responded "but I thought he doesn't have to work today" Keigo said finally looking up at you "he said a situation had came up-" you heard a knock at the door, it couldn't have been Touya of course since he has a key and it couldn't be Himiko because she never comes over late at night "Coming who's coming here this late" you opened the door seeing a man with a bird beak mask standing in front of you "Hello ma'am are you Y/n Todoroki" "yes that's me" "good I'm sorry that I have to do this" "do wh" you had passed out from something, the man and someone else took you into their car and drove off. "Y/n where'd you-oh shit" Keigo picked up a piece of paper that was in the ground

We've got the most precious thing to you Dabi if you want to get it back call me and I might give you a hint
- Overhual

"Oooh buddy you chose the wrong wife" Keigo said as he flew off.

To be continued

Y'all liked the chapter hope so but anyway don't we just love Touya ✨ well I do but now it's time to work on the Bakugo book

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