YALE, k. yukimura

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Morgan tore her hands through her hair, a nervous habit of hers. Kira watched her girlfriend pace around her bedroom, waiting for her results. After multiple attempts at getting Morgan to sit down or occupy herself with something, she had given up, allowing the girl to pace around the room. Morgan had applied to Yale, and she was about to find out if she got in. She was a year older than Kira, so the latter didn't have to worry about her college applications just yet.

The sound of a notification rang through the room, causing both Morgan and Kira to look at each other, wide-eyed.

"Is that-" Kira started. Morgan clasped her hands together, her face holding a look of absolute fear. "I'm too scared to check! I'm panicking, Kira, I'm panicking!" she ranted. Kira shot up from her spot on Morgan's bed, grabbing her girlfriend's hands.

"No, no, no. Do not panic. You haven't even opened it yet, Morgan. Take a deep breath, okay? I'm here with you."

Morgan nodded as she took three breaths, shaking out her nerves. Kira handed her the phone, which Morgan shakily accepted. Kira wrapped her arms around Morgan's waist from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder.

"Ready?" she asked. Morgan nodded slowly as she tapped on the notification. Within seconds, the two girls were screaming out of excitement.



Kira let out a laugh as Morgan grabbed her face, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I'm going to Yale!" Morgan exclaimed, tears building at her eyes. Kira grinned, nodding excitedly.

"I'm so proud of you," she whispered. The older girl pulled her in for a hug, sighing against her head.

"I'm gonna miss you, though," she mumbled. Kira let out a breath, squeezing her girlfriend's body tightly. "We're gonna figure it out. For now, let's just celebrate the fact that you got into your dream college," she stated.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

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