We're not Friends

Start from the beginning

"Fine dick."

"Tsk, ok look I'll be at your dorm room right after school we can start there."

"Oh you want Hawks to meet us there, alright."

"We're gonna meet him tonight!"

"Yeah he responded 'for sure I'll help just tell me when and where.'"

"Ugh then yeah tell him your dorm room at 4."

"Got it par-"

"Don't even."


"I'm leaving." He says turning

"Same here" I reply walking away back to my table.

Time skip to after school

"Where is he?" Bakugo complains sitting at my desk chair.

Wow he's been here for five minutes and that's the first thing he says. "It's only 3:55, Ke- Hawks is probably really close."

"I hate this room," he groans.

"I hate you being in this room," I reply from my bed.

Bakugo grunts, "Why of all people did I have to end up with you, I'd rather have Deku."

I laugh, "Ha yeah right, I've known you two days and all you do is yell at him."

"But at least he doesn't always challenge me, trying to talk back."

"You act as if you're superior to all of us."

"Well I am and I'm gonna be number one hero while you're all left in the dust!" He announces standing up from the chair.

"Yeah right, I heard Deku say the same thing. And he's a lot more likable."

"What was that!" He yells walking over to me.

"Hey that wasn't even supposed to be rude, it's just the truth. He's a hell of a lot nicer."

"I don't have to be nice to prove I'm number 1."

"Guess we'll just have to wait," I shrug.

"At least I won't have a problem surpassing you in the rankings," he smirks.

"What was that dick!" I say getting up.

"You heard me!" He yells back.

Challenging him I walk standing face to face our faces inches away.

"Look I might not be as strong or flashy, but I will be a great hero. And I will beat you."I state meeting his glare.

"I'd like to see you try," he snarks. I could almost feel the determination coming from his words. He not only truly meant becoming number one but he really wanted me to try. His red eyes were filled with power, nothing but cold power. He might be a dick but at least he's determined I suppose.

Bakugos POV

I hate her. I hate that she has an epic quirk that can take me out I'm a second. I hate that she always challenges me. I hate those stupid fucking pink eyes she gets. Those eyes hold so much power yet all I see when I look at them is cold. Almost like a villain. It's as if she hates her own quirk. The way she glares at me with hatred right now. But not the hatred of me the hatred of herself. Why the fuck am I even thinking of this. She's just a sarcastic girl who is only here because of her mom. She doesn't pay attention and uses her power to do everything for her. She can't even fight, I saw today when she went against Aizawa. Yeah I hate her. But god damn, those stupid pink eyes.

"Pink eyes."

"What dick, and stop calling me that."

"Your eyes, they're pink."

"Yes I know, they turn pink when my quirk activates."

"No y/n they're pink now."


"No y/n they're pink now." He says weirdly calm still remaining at our close distance.

Wait what. They can't be pink. My eyes don't get pink unless my quirk is activated. What the actual fuck.

"No they can't-"

"Ok kidos let's get this pro- oh my god. I'm sorry should I come back later I don't want to interrupt."

We both quickly turn to see Keigo standing in the door way to my room. I turn back to Bakugo and step back away from him.


"Right, um I can come back later if that works better for you tw-"

"NO!" Me and Bakugo yell in unison.

"Okayyyyy, so should we get going then."

"Go where bird brain?" Bakugo says next to me.

"Ha funny, seriously though. Y/n I was think chick-fil-a there's one down town."

"Yes Hawks I know we've been going together for years." I sigh.

"Oh right, so let's go!" He beams

"Why the fuck are we going to a chicken place." Bakugo snorts.

Keigo stops smiling instantly, "Because explosion boy, chicken is superior. Now want to go eat or stay here ask other dumb questions."

I could see Bakugos eyes filling with anger. I really don't want to but I can't have a fight right now I guess. "Ok then Chick-fil-a it is then. Let's go boys," I fake smile walking out of the room taking Keigo with me.

We arrive at chick-fil-a soon and Keigo immediately grabs our signature seat. "Ok you guys put your stuff here and we can go order."

After getting our food we sit back down and begin to eat. "So bird brain how do you know pink eyes exactly?"

Keigo looks up while chewing on a huge piece of chicken, "Oh well we've known each other for around 12 almost 13 years now. I was friends with her family friends. So we just kinda ended up all hanging out as kids."

"Yeah until you abandoned me to be hero." I smile taking a another bite of my chicken nuggets.

"Sorry pinky I won't do that next time." He smirks.

"Hey don't call me pinky!"

"Y/n please quiet down we're in a well established faculty." He shushes me.

"Then don't call me pinky," I warn.

"Do it again," Bakugo smiles across from me.

Hawks laugh before looking between me and Bakugo. "So are you two are pretty good friends right."

"We're not friends!" We both say in unison immediately.

Hawks laughs again putting his hands up, "okayyy sorry I asked let's just finish this and you guys can ask me stuff." Me and Bakugo both silently agree and go back to eating our food.

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