Chapter 1

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(POV: Metal Sonic)

(The image above is what Metal looks like in his organic form.)

"Curse that blasted hedgehog!" Eggman shouted, having one of his tantrums. Again.

My eyes snapped open when the sound of objects being knocked over could be heard and I groaned in annoyance before I sat up from my bed, put my gloves and shoes on, and walked out of my room. Nowadays I preferred to be in my organic form, mostly so that I can get used to being a Mobian. I walked through the long hallway before reaching the maintenance room where Eggman was, and the mess he made was not pleasant. Orbot and Cubot were cleaning the mess up while Eggman looked like he was on the verge of going insane. As if he already wasn't. It had been a month since my idiotic loathsome copy foiled one of his plans, and like always, my creator wasn't taking his defeat lightly.

"Metal!" Eggman yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked him, mentally face palming myself.

"Do me a favor and go see what that rodent is up to," Eggman ordered me.

Despite me being curious, I reluctantly obeyed and walked out of the maintenance room, only taking off at full speed once I was outside. The one thing I will admit about being like Sonic was that we both like to have freedom and wide-open space to run around now and then. If I wasn't stuck inside the base most of the time, I'd probably be exploring the whole world. I kept on running until I reached this tall hill looming over Station Square and halted, the view of it more pleasant than what I see inside the base. The only thing that notched it down was Sonic as I could see him running around it before he eventually stopped on top of a building. Wrinkling my nose, I reluctantly sped towards the building, stopped behind the large satellite dish, and peeked around it, the connection between Sonic and me allowing me to sense that he wasn't being his usual cheerful and idiot self. Sonic remained where he stood, his arms crossed and he stared straight ahead like he was lost in thought, his posture alone almost making him look like Shadow.

"An entire year has passed now, and yet that memory still haunts me." Sonic sighed.

At that, I only got confused and tilted my head at what he was talking about. The wind began howling, making Sonic's quills move in the breeze as he sat down, his ears flattened on his head. A part of me wanted to get information from Sonic on what he was talking about, but my instincts said otherwise.

"You do realize I know when someone's following me, Metal," Sonic said to me.

Normally I would just attack Sonic if he ever noticed my presence, but instead, I decided to step out of my hiding spot as he turned in my direction, his expression unreadable.

"What brings you out here a couple of hours before dusk?" Sonic questioned.

"Like I'm ever going to tell you," I replied and copied his crossed arms gesture.

"Lemme guess, Egghead sent you to stalk me again." Sonic inquired.

"I'm perfectly capable of coming out on my terms, rodent." I scoffed.

"It's funny that you're calling me that when you're just saying what you are," Sonic said, a small grin plastered on his face.

Despite me feeling annoyed and Sonic grinning at me, I could still tell that something wasn't right.

"And you're terrible at hiding your own emotions beneath other ones, we both know that something's bugging you," I replied.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm the same as I've always been," Sonic replied while waving his hand dismissively.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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