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It had been a day since I auditioned. Tomorrow I'm going to have to be notified if I took the role or not.
"You want to go outside?,, He came to my bed
" yes, sure, but don't you want us to call the others? I haven't been in a group in a long time.,,
"Okay, I'll call Eliot, Jason and Miguel and you'll call the girls.,,
" Ok,,
I called Millie first, then Megan, and then Lili. And Louis on Jason, Eliot and Miguel.
I missed going out with my friend, I felt like I didn't just want to be Louis' girlfriend, I wanted to have more of a new one.

We went out to the high school where the others were and decided to go to a restaurant. When we got there, we sat down at a table of six and started talking and eating.
"So L, how's your mom?,,
"Eliot.,, Eliot was standing in front of me laughing.
" What? She's hot,, Then we all started laughing.
"I want to tell you something,, I was interrupted by Jason.
" Are you pregnant? Omg, Louis what did you do,, I guess I can say Jason was the funniest man in the group.
"No, I'm not. But what I want to tell you is that I auditioned for Enola Holmes 2,,
"Lizz !That's great.,, All my friends supported me.

I just went to bed after this day. Louis was in the office learning geography.
" Louis! I took the part!,, I was looking in the phone at the e-mail I received. Louis looked up at me with a broad smile and rose from his chair coming towards me.
" Oh my god, that's wonderful!,,

( After 2 weeks)
My leg was already better. I can walk. Today we went to shoot the first scene for the movie. Louis introduced me to Millie and the other members. It was nice to make new friends.

We go to the set, I look in my phone when on instagram I see a contest ad "Miss America,, a beauty contest. I gave to see more details, to participate I need a mentor. And that's going to be a problem.

" Elizabeth !,,   "Lizz!,, I could hear the cameradirector calling me, everyone was on set but me. We were supposed to shoot the kissing scene.
" Sorry. I'm here,, I went on set next to Louis and Millie
We started saying our lines, and then came the kiss part. My character has to sink into a lake 28 apple trees underwater,Where, Louis's character will have to come underwater to free me.
I went underwater, hard, but I went in. After a few moments of filming, I got out of the water and then I drew another line with the same scene. I went underwater again, where Louis went in this time. Then we both went out and came the kissing scene. I was a wave, and Louis's character was the same. At the lakeside my character and his character will kiss. So I did.

"STOP. Thank you so much. That was for today, you can go home.,, I went to the cabins where I changed and then I went with Louis and Millie to a restaurant.
When we got there, we sat at a table, and Louis and I were looking at the menus, when we saw Millie looking at me and then Louis.
"Millie? What's the matter?,, I looked at it, and then Louis left the menu on the table. Millie sees a smile on her face.
" I don't know, it's weird seeing Louis with a girlfriend. A year ago he was like a drunk man.,, We both started laughing.
"Well, I've changed. I hope for the better.,, Millie had raised her menu.
" Yea, yea, Ok.,,
I ordered the food, I got a salad, Millie had got some kind of vegetable tart, and LouisPatridge had got a burger burger with fries. While I was eating, I told them I was thinking of signing up for Miss AMERICA.
" Guys, You know what I was thinking? Me.  To sign up for Miss AMERICA.,,
"Seriously? That would be great.,,
I've been thinking a lot about whether to take this step or not, but I needed a mentor, and I know how I'm going to get one.

I spent a long day today. It was time for me to rest, and so did Louis. But just when I closed my eyes, a message had awakened me. The film producers had texted me that I would need a lawyer to be able to make the scene next week. I postponed this request tomorrow and went to bed.
When I woke up Louis was asleep, I didn't have to shoot today, I woke up 30 minutes before the alarms that woke us up for high school. I searched the internet for lawyers when I came across a lawyer, Bob Armslow. I contacted him and in five minutes he texted me back. I scheduled a meeting with him today after school. So I did, after school I went along with Louis on tour to meet Bob. Surprised, Bob is a very feminist man. After talking to him a lot more stuff, he told me he was a mentor. My mind lit up, I hired him as a lawyer but also as a mentor.From the first moments Bob and I found each other.  

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