Meet the Bitches

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I started telling them the girls the plan, an easy one but hard to forget.

Louis and the team were at Louis' house, playing FIFA.They didn't know what was waiting for them. We'll make them chosen as they did to me.
We got some pink rabbit masks, dressed in red dress and some patrons with blue tones. But the dirty accessory is a baseball bat.
On them written "Meet the bitch bunny,,

It was 12:03 in night , we were tracking them boys through the snapchat map. The moment they reached the corner of FhorHed Street, we were leaning in front of them. It was just like a war, bunnies and footballers.

"Hey guys!,, We all said at once with a slightly more pygetating voice.
They were looking at us. And they were looking at us.
I started walking towards them, the closer I got, they took a step back.
" Are you in a hurry somewhere?,, They didn't say anything. Then slowly and the girls started to come closer to them.
" Meet the bunny bitches,,

I got close to Louis. " I've already won.,, Louis stepped forward
" I don't think so.,, Then he winked. They started to leave, but I stopped Louis. "Where do you think you're going?,,
He stopped and looked down at my hand sitting on his abdomen, then he looked up at me.
" Is that how you want to play? " There were a few moments of silence, but I let them go. We stayed put, nothing at least turned our eyes to them.
When they took the coltu, we took off the masks and we made a happy deal. Then we started going to the dorm.


I was in the hallway. I was on my way to the room. From the end of the hall Lila was coming towards me. Lucky I was right next door to the room.
I walked into the room with the mask and the phone in my hand. Louis was at the office playing cs:go

 Louis was at the office playing cs:go

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(Louis setup)

with the football team. He had his headphones on, but he heard I was in, he turned to me and then he turned to the computer.
"Wait a second boys,, He put his headphones on his desk and he came towards me.
" So it was you,, He came up to me and smiled.
I looked at him. "We just started the real war.,, Then I went around him and went to bed, put my phone and mask on the nightstand and went into the bathroom to change into the pijamas. Then I came to the room again and went to bed. I opened the netflix and watched a movie.
I looked at Louis sitting at the office and Louis was looking at me.

After the movie was over, I put the remote on the nightstand, got out of bed, got my slippers and went to the cafeteria to get some cookies.
I walked through the door with a plate with seven cookies on it.
"What's that?,,
" Cookies,, He looked up at his plate, And then he reached out his hand in front of me. I put three cookies in his hand, and he started eating them. I went to bed.I was watching YouTube and eating cookies.
Strangely I finished the force cookies quickly.
He had his headphones in his ear, the music was the first sound I could hear. In the background I could hear the boy in the last bank talking.
I had fallen asleep for a while, I was tired, after such a long day I had to rest, to recover.
I put my headphones and phone on the nightstand. Louis was still at the computer. I put my phone and headphones on the nightstand, and then I went into a deep sleep.

(the second day, Thursday, 9:37 a.m.)

I woke up, and I turned around. I looked at Louis sleeping. I got out of bed, got my fluffy slippers and went into the bathroom. While I was in the shower, and Louis woke up.
I came out of the shower with a freshness in my head. Then I start to dry doors hair.

It was a pretty boring day. Louis spent part of the day on the computer, me and the girls went out through the park and through the mall.

It's 5:26, I was lying in bed. Louis was in devastating on the outside with the boys.

Louis had just walked in the door.
"Hey, Noah stopped me in the hallway to tell you to give him his hoodie and jacket back.,,
" Well, if that's what he wants, so be it.,, I got out of bed, opened the closet and started looking for a jacket and a hoodie. In an end, I found them both. I put them in a box, and on the jacket I made a smile out of glitter, to remember.

I walked out of the room, and I went to his door. I laid the box eggs downstairs and drank at the door, then I left because I didn't want to have contact with him.

I was lying in bed, and so was Louis. I got a message from Jason.
Jason Lassom. 📞🎥

Hi, tomorrow is my birthday, and on this occasion I invite you to pass with me and everyone else the best party. The party will be at the Pool, next to the bedrooms.Don't forget we'll have drinks 😆😉

Thanks Jason for the invitation, I'll be there 🤪


Louis had received the same message.
"Did you get a message from Jason?,,
" yea,, Right after a second the duo I said to Patridge, Millie walked through the door.
"Wooo! Tomorrow we party.,,
I started laughing at her, she was amused.
" Millie, stop yelling,, Louis said that, looking at his phone.and Millie sat on his bed looking at me.
"So, what are you going to wear tomorrow?,,
" God, I don't know, I don't have any dress suitable for the pool,, While I was talking to Millie, Louis turned his head towards me.
"You don't need a dress, you go to the pool, you just need a suit.,, Millie turned her head towards him
" Louis, we can't just come in a bathing suit.,,
"Why not?,,
" Oh my God Louis, we're not boys,,
"You know what, let's go to the mall, we need some bomb dresses,, Millie jumped out of bed
I was already dressed decently, I just got shoes and a jacket on, and then I left for the mall.

(Louis's pov)

The girls had already left the room, I picked up my phone and called Jason, inviting him to a FIFA.

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