Birthday with the Marvel cast (SJ)

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Prompt- you spend your 15th birthday hanging out with the marvel cast

Y/N's pov:
I woke up to a loud crash from downstairs, bolting out of bed I ran as fast as I could downstairs. As I was half way down I suddenly remembered that it was my birthday, I was turning 15. This thought clearly distracted me as the next thing I knew I was at the bottom of the stairs on my bum. This made me laugh hysterically because I had to admit it was hilarious. I picked myself up, still laughing, and made my way into the living room to look for mum. The sight I saw made me burst out laughing, tears springing to my eyes, I collapsed onto the floor.

Scarlett's pov:
Me and the marvel cast had been planning Y/N's birthday for weeks now as we wanted to make it special. We had decided on them all coming round here on the morning of her birthday to surprise her as she hadn't seen the cast for ages now, and then we would all go out to a theme park.

It was now 8 am the morning of her birthday and the cast would be arriving any second. I was convinced that Y/N had forgotten it was her birthday, as she would usually be up early. Me being me, I was rushing round trying to get her presents set up and make the house look presentable when my phone dinged. It was the cast saying they were here, waiting outside. As quickly but as quietly as I could I went to the door to see the cast all stood there looking excited, I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of grown adults looking like little kids. (The people being RDJ, Lizzie, Evans, Jeremy, Hemsworth, Mark, Seb, Mackie, and anyone you want there)

I ushered them all into the house, telling them to be quiet as we made our way to the living room. We had to decorate and make it look nice before she came downstairs, so I gave everyone jobs and told them all to get started.

Me and Lizzie were going to cook food, while I gave the men the task of hanging things up like banners and nice decorations. As me and Liz were catching up, we heard a massive bang coming from the living room. We rushed in to see the men in complete disarray.

Y/N's pov:
RDJ, Evans, Hemsworth, Mark, Jeremy, Seb and Mackie were all wearing pink tiaras and were all in a bundle on the floor. Of course, as the sight of them like that was hilarious I started laughing, and loudly. For the second time this morning I picked myself up and looked at Mum and Aunt Lizzie, to see if they knew what was going on. However they looked as puzzled as I did.

I hadn't seen the cast in ages so I was really excited but I had so many questions. I went over to the men and gave them all questioning looks. This caused them to all start yelling trying to explain what had happened, blaming it on each other.

Around 5 mins later they had finished explaining and this made me, mum and Lizzie start laughing again. Once we had calmed down, they all gave me a hug, wishing me happy birthday while we all ate breakfast together and talked.

I then decided to open my presents and this is what I got:
Mum - a new phone and some new clothes
RDJ - a golden retriever puppy (you and him have a father-daughter relationship and are really close)
Lizzie - some new jewellery
Evans - toys for your dog
Jeremy - room decor
Mark - some books you really wanted (pick whichever ones you want)
Hemsworth - some Aussie sweets
Seb and Mackie - prank supplies as we loved to prank people.

I was honestly so happy with all my presents, and shocked that I had gotten a puppy. I thanked everyone and got told that we were going to a theme park, which was one of my favourite places to go. Unfortunately we had to leave my new puppy at home, as she was too young to come out, but someone was coming to watch her so that made me feel better.

Scarletts pov:
Her face when she got her puppy was honestly so priceless. She kept looking between me and Rob with tears in her eyes. I loved hers and Robs relationship, they treated each other like father and daughter since Y/N didn't know her dad, meaning they were super close and I was so thankful for that.

>time skip<

We arrived at the theme park and of course Y/N being Y/N made us go on all the big rides. She loved big rides, and had the best time on them, but the men on the other hand, some of them weren't as keen. Their faces were brilliant.

We had now finished at the theme park, going on every single ride there. It was safe to say we were all tired. We clambered back into the car and began the drive home. Y/N fell asleep surprisingly fast, so for the rest of the way home, me and the cast were just talking.

Y/N's pov:
I must had fallen asleep in the car because next thing I know, Hemsworth was carrying me inside the house. It had been such a good day and I was so thankful to have a family like them.

We were all sat in the lounge and they decided to embarrass me with memories that had of me from when I was younger.  This literally went on for about 15 mins and at the end I was honestly dying of embarrassment.

Everyone in the room loved Disney so we decided that we would all watch a movie. Of course we couldn't agree which one to watch, so I came up with the genius idea of watching a Marvel movie, we ended up watching Infinity war, but we only got half way as everyone slowly fell asleep.

I drifted off the sleep being thankful for my life and the people in it.

Authors note
Thankyou for reading the first chapter of my book. This is also my first book.
I'm sorry if this isn't very good, I'm new to writing and wasn't sure how to start it.
Please request ideas, and I will try my best to write them.

I hope everyone is staying safe.

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