Chapter: 1 The Child

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This is my second Naruto fanfic so I hope you like it~ enjoy 😊

Warning: Slight Abuse

The sound of yelling and shouts could be heard for miles as a crowd of villagers flooded the streets searching for the 'demon fox.' Naruto was breathing heavy, his limbs feeling like lead as blood drip from the many wounds inflicted on the four year old.

He had been training that evening not paying attention to the time, and ended up staying out past dark. On his way back to his one roomed apartment a couple of drunk villagers had spotted the little fox and pounced. They silently broke a wine bottle over the boys head and drug him into an alley only to start beating the 'brat.' They spit insults as they kicked him in the gut making him cough out blood. When they got bored they took out a sharp kunai and begun carving into the kids flesh getting cries of pain.

Naruto's screams only filled them with more lust for the child's blood. One of the men cackled as he flowed chakra into his kunai and wrote hateful words and carved the leaf symbol onto the center of Naruto's back like he was branding some livestock or mere slave. Naruto's cries only got louder catching the attention of nearby people.

In a matter of minutes crowds of villagers swarmed around the bloody child cheering for more. Anger flooded Naruto's senses making his head spin when a demonic shockwave erupted from the small child. The crowd gasped and backed away giving Naruto enough time to slip away.

Now Naruto was running for his life as a mob chased him through the village. Naruto had somehow made it to the village gates rushing past the two giant gateways and running into the forest. Naruto's malnourished body heaved with every step. Every rib could easily be seen while his collar bone stuck out, his ripped closes hanging off his skinny figure.

Soon the sounds of villagers had faded and the adrenaline was starting to fade. Naruto's knees buckled and his head throbbed against his skull. Blood pooled from his deep wounds and trickled down his head as he slowly slipped into consciousness not before seeing movement in the corner of his eye.

The soft feeling of wind hitting Naruto's face identified that someone was carrying him. Naruto could feel the persons strong hands carrying him but they had a gentle touch that made the small child want more. Naruto gently snuggled into the strangers chest hearing the mans heart beat.

The man froze and stared at the small broken child that was clinging to him. But the sound of his companions complaints quickly brought him back into focus. He begun to pick up speed wanting to find a good camp site to catch a couple hours of sleep. The trip back to the Base was going to take a least a day or two and he wanted to get there on good time.

"Itachi.... let's stop here." Itachi looked to his partner, Kisame, and nodded. "You start the fire I'll catch us some fish to eat," Kisame smiled showing off his shark teeth. Itachi didn't say anything and just watched Kisame head in the direction of the river. Itachi then piled a couple logs on top of each other and hand signed: 'Fireball jutsu.' Flames danced along the logs lighting the dark forest. Naruto's eyes fluttered open feeling warmth hit his face. He winced as his wounds burned being healed by the demon fox leaving deep scars. Itachi looked down at the now awake Naruto watching the kid check his surroundings.

Naruto stared at the mesmerizing fire loving the warmth that came from it. Suddenly Naruto felt like someone was watching him. He quickly stood up wincing from the pain and began backing away only to hit something from behind. Naruto's chakra spiked and he twisted around and stared in horror at Itachi. Naruto's breathing grew shallow and his chest was tight as he began to hyperventilate. Itachi noticed and quickly jumped to Naruto's side trying to calm the terrified child.

"Naruto calm down!"

"Slow your breathing! Your Safe!"

"Naruto! Look into my eyes," Naruto who was still breathing heavily listened and looked into Itachi's worried red eyes. Itachi then took the chance and placed Naruto into a genjustsu calming the child. Naruto soon after calmed down being cradled by Itachi. Naruto was still whimpering and shaking hiding in Itachi's Akatsuki cloak. Itachi chuckled as he slowly heard the small snores come from somewhere in the depths of his cloak. Soon Kisame had come back from the river carrying several decent sized fish.

"Where's the kid? Don't tell me that you lost him!" Growled Kisame.

"Don't worry Naruto's just sleeping." responded Itachi with no emotion.

By the sound of his name Naruto poked his little head out from the top of Itachi's cloak yawning and nuzzling Itachi's head. Kisame busts out laughing startling Naruto who was then comforted by Itachi. Itachi then glared at Kisame and "Hn" meaning, now-look-what-you-did.

Kisame just shook his head and started cooking the fish over the fire. "Itachi... you know what they're going to do to him." Itachi only nodded     grabbing Naruto and sitting him on the ground. Naruto seemed to not be paying attention at the moment because he was just staring at Kisame.

Suddenly Naruto randomly shouts, "ARE YOU A FISHY!" Kisame raises a brow at the strange kid as Naruto crawls over to Kisame's lap sitting down. Kisame growls showing off his shark teeth, smiling.

"I'm half Shark. Scared?"

Naruto just giggles, "Then that means your still a fishy. A Shark is a fishy, silly."

Kisame chuckled, "Kids got guts I'll give him that." Kisame pats Naruto's head and hands him one of the cooked fish. Naruto smiles and eats his fish still in the mans lap humming practically buzzing with happiness. 

After eating Naruto's eye lids grew heavy and he curled up in Kisame's lap like a cat. Slowly the fire died away signaling for the other two to head to bed, because tomorrow they would finally meet up with the other Akatsuki.

Wanted to try something that you don't often see, so I'm writing an Akatsuki and Naruto story. Please comment and vote.
Until next time my ~Noodle Rats~

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