Better than you thought (Ross x Reader)

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Hey shawty baes!!!
Guess who finally got her inspiration to write back 😍
I literally came up with this shit plot like 2 seconds ago so have fun throwing up at my shit writing abilities 🌝💅

You were sitting in class, doodling in your notebook as usual. The teacher was trying to teach a math lesson, but you were still stressed about the last time you tried completing your math homework.

Most called you 'edgy' or 'creepy', but that really wasn't the case. You were just a quiet person who despised everybody around you. You especially disliked one of the girls, and a few boys in your class who call themselves the 'hatzgang'. It was stupid, you always thought it was. They would always tease you for being quiet and more reserved than most. You just didn't want to say anything to their sorry asses.

You snapped out of your thoughts as something sharp hit your head. You turned around, seeing none other than the girl you despise so much. Marlow Wilson, the shortest yet meanest girl at your school. She'd constantly pick on everybody, not just you. You scowled as she grinned and snickered, showing her missing tooth.

You sighed, turning back around and pulling the little paper airplane out of your hair and crushing it in your hand. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw one of those hat kids also snickering at you. Roy, his name was. He was obnoxious and mean. You disliked him most. The blonde one, Robert, would also pick on you, but more than half the time he'd just apologized.

Then there was the other one. You usually called him 'beanie boy' since you could never remember his name. Though you learned from one of your popular friends that it was Ross. You didn't know how to feel about him. He just tagged along with his friends, he never really teased you.

Never in your life have you loved and hated somebody so much at the same time. It was rather confusing, making you zone out on the spot.

"Ross and [Y/N]."

The teacher calling your name ripped you from your daydreaming, but the name she called with it woke you up completely. You had no idea what was happening, you weren't exactly paying attention for a whole seven minutes.

"Mate, she assigned partners for the project. Were you even listening?" Your previously mentioned popular friend whispered in her thick Australian accent. Kex Owens, the popular gothic anarchist that everyone seemed to adore. She had a look of concern yet annoyance on her face, looking at you.

"Is that why she called Ross and I?" You whispered back. "I'm so fucked."

"It's not a problem, is it?" Kex smiled awkwardly, trying to be supportive.

"Nope, I'm gonna be fine." You smiled reassuringly, knowing damn well you wouldn't be fine. Kex shrugged and leaned back, leaving you to think on your own.

You had no idea if you liked this kid or not. You haven't even talked to him yet.

"Hey. We were, uh...assigned as partners. I'm not very good at this, sorry."

You quickly looked up, recognizing the voice almost immediately. Standing before your desk was none other than beanie boy himself.

"Ah, sorry. I zoned out for a minute." You nervously smiled, your stomach churning with some unknown emotion you had never felt before.

"It's fine. I just need your address or somethin', I dunno what the teacher wants." Ross shrugged, blinking at you for a moment. "My friends kinda got paired without me."

At that, you turn to see Roy bonking Robert on the head and scolding him like an angry Chihuahua. Maybe Ross was safer with you, anyway.

"Your friend over there seems borderline abusive, pal." You rub your neck, your voice almost cracking.

"Nah, that's just Roy. He's his own personality." Ross' usual little smile returned. "Not quite sure what he is, but he's something. Robert just wants affection from everybody."

"You guys would make cute cartoon characters." You finally gave a genuine smile, becoming comfortable talking to him. He seemed to flush pink at being called cute, which only made him that much more adorable.

"Here's my address, if you wanna come over for the project." Ross handed you a slip of paper, which had his address and phone number written on it. The little heart in the corner caught you off guard.

Maybe this kid wasn't as bad as you thought.

ok so i legally owe you guys a part 2 after i get some requests done
-cat 🌝

(788 words)

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