Only He Listens (Lemon Demon x Reader)

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Fluffy Lemon Demon? Yessir we do all that here
2 updates???? Oh yeS
As always sorry for the spelling errors its like midnight here

Sick of it.
Thats all you were anymore. You were sick of being ignored. Everybody at your school was so basic, you're parents don't really help either. You were so stressed and had so much pent up emotion, you didn't know when it would flood out.

You sighed and closed your assignment book. You got lost in thought again, just ranting to yourself again. You wanted to be alone. Just to let yourself rest, for at least five minutes.

It was about 1am, you could sneak out and come back in the morning before your parents awaken. You grabbed your small [color] bag and put your phone inside, opening your window. Your room wasn't high up or anything, so it wasn't too hard to step out.

You were walking down the road, the dark night sky not helping your sight. The moon did slightly illuminate the concrete ground, so you seemed to be fine. You realized you didn't know where you were going.

Spotting an old, probably abandoned, garden, you figured it would be quiet and unbothered. There were also no houses on this street, so you just hypothesized that you wouldnt get kidnapped.

You sat down against the fence that surrounded the old and withered garden. You stared into the shadows, and for a moment you thought you saw something. Shaking your head, you told yourself it was nothing. But you saw it again. It almost looked like eyes. They were round and bloodshot, you could tell. Then they dissapeared again. You hugged your knees, shuddering.

You saw the eyes again and felt the need to find out what this was. "Hello? Is anybody there?" You timidly called out, not wanting to be killed by whatever was in the shadows.

You began trembling as a tall, shadowy creature stepped out of the darkness. They were extremely slim, and had a lemon shaped head. Their wide, slightly blood stained smile gave you chills.

"What..? Who?-..." You couldn't finish your sentences as you stared up at them, lost for words.

"It's rude to stare, I hope you know." The creature had a chilling but strangely pleasant voice.

"I-... I'm sorry?.." You trailed off again, looking down at the dying grass instead.

"I'm not going to murder you or whatever you're thinking." He tilted his hide to the side slightly, bending down to your level. "Why are you here?"

"I just...needed a break." You got over your small panicked moment, now able to actually finish sentences. "This was the quietest place. May I ask your name...?" You tried being polite, not wanting to upset...whatever he was.

"Just call me LD I suppose." Now that you listened, his breathing sounded rough and irregular. "What did you need this break from?"

"You don't wanna go down that hellhole." You looked to the side.

"I am...a demon." He paused before finishing, a quiet 'oh' escaping your mouth.

"Well, everybody's a bitch. I'm really stressed and nobody listens. They overwork me to the bone, my mind feels like its melted. I can't show any emotion in front of anybody." You sighed. "But who'd wanna listen to me, right? I'm just the annoying one."

"I will listen. I'm quite skiled at doing so." LD tilted his head to the side again, his expression not altering.

The next hour consisted of you ranting about your stressful life and how you constantly bullied yourself. It ended in the emotion you've bottled up for months coming out at once. You were bawling to a demon. You didn't know how, but you ended up in his arms, your back against his chest. You thought he'd be cold, but he was surprisingly warm.

You could feel his strangely shaped fingers caressing your hair, softly petting your head. You felt so oddly safe in his embrace. Neither of you said anything. You just enjoyed this calm moment.

You'd be going home in a much better mood.

This was lazy but fun to write
I cant remember who requested this but ty we stan LD here 💘
Dont flood me with requests cuz im working as fast as I can jsjsjjs

(717 words)

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