His Little Loser (PART 2)

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You ask and you shall receive, 'tis a part 2 😌✌
May or may not make a Robert version bc he babie 👉👈
Anyway hope you enjoy
And igNore any spelling mistakes I'm lazy

You walk down the street, almost home by now. You glanced down at the piece of paper in your hand, and the phone number written on it. Roy had given you this, it was strange but...also cute.

Sighing, you opened the door to your house. You greeted your parents, and went straight to your room. You picked up your phone, stopping to think for a minute. You hardly know this kid.

"Oh, whatever." You snorted to yourself, typing in his number on your phone. You sent a simple Hello? and awaited his response. A small bell noise on your phone alerted you of at least some notification.

Who is this?

You giggled quietly, finding his obliviousness slightly amusing.

It's [Y/N], you gave me your number.

Oh yeah, forgot about that-

You found yourself smiling at his message, silently cursing at yourself for catching feelings so fast. But it was a great feeling.

What was with the 'apology'? I thought you didn't apologize to your "victims"

Careful with those words, you're boosting my ego

You audibly laughed at that.

Should I say oh no or you're welcome



Wh- What does that mean-
Oh my

You audibly giggled at his obliviousness and sudden realization. He's a weirdo bully, but he's an adorable little gremlin and that kept you motivated.

That's my que to leave

Wait this is getting interesting

I-.. interesting? 😭

Oh and to answer your earlier question I apologized because I felt like you deserved some validation for winning against me

Oh so you think I require your validation?

Wait what

Good guess but I need anybody's validation because I have very low self esteem

You're lucky this conversation isn't in person

Are you gonna beat me up for being ugly or something

1. You're not ugly don't say that again. 2. I was gonna aggressively hug you

Awww ❤


Wise words

You laughed at your conversation, snapping a screenshot. This would be a great memory for later. You looked at his next message.

Shitsghs im being forced into bed help

Nighty night ❤

You giggled quietly, turning your phone off. He wasn't so bad after all.

The next morning...

You woke up with a pleasant start, excited to see your new friend today. Was he a friend? Well, you silently wished he was something more, but you would never admit it.

You got yourself ready, making yourself look decent. Then you remembered it was Saturday and lost your good mood.

After a couple minutes, you figured you'd go back to the graveyard. Of course, you'd bring your phone, in case you got a message from Roy. That boy was all you could think about.

You just put on a [color] hoodie and set off out the house and down the street. As soon as the graveyard gates came into view, you sighed and felt at peace.

When you entered the graveyard, you got an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Against the mossy stone wall sat Roy, tapping his fingers on the grassy ground. When he saw you, his face physically turned a light pink color.

"What are you doing here?" You asked with a small giggle.

"Oh- I uhm.. I never expected you to actually be here-" He stuttered slightly when he spoke, he was cute when he was nervous.

"I forgot it was Saturday and got ready for class, I figured since I look decent I'd go out at least somewhere." You shrugged and sat next to him.

"...Being honest, I was hoping to find you here." Roy didn't make eye contact with you in attempts to hide his now rosy pink face.

"Okay, what's up? If I know anything from your first impression, that's not what Roy would say." You looked at him with a raised brow. He seemed to silently gasp.

"What-? How-..?" Roy stuttered, not having the esteem to finish.

"Women know these things." You breathed in amusement, a small smile on your face. "C'mon, tell me what's going on."

"Actually, I-...I can't tell you." Roy seemed to become redder with each word, and it gave you butterflies.

"Does somebody have a crush?" You teased him and discretely pointed to his face.

"No!- Well, maybe..." He trailed off, hugging his knees to his chest.

"Wait, really?!" You exclaimed and smiled. "Woah, I was right...who is it?"

"Wh-...I'm not telling you that." He stubbornly glared at you. You grunted.

"Oh, you're no fun." You sighed, pouting. "Pleeeaaase?"

"Fiiiine." He groaned back at you. For a moment, be hesitated. "You."

You blinked at him. "Huh?"

"You." He repeated, shameless at this point. "It's you."

"Wait, do you mean?-" It finally hit you. "O-...Oh-"

Roy sighed. "You can make fun of me if you want, whatever."

You leaned in and kissed his cheek, his face was hot from blushing and he was surprisingly soft. His eyes went wide with shock as he lightly touched his cheek.

"I'm not gonna make fun of you, I'm not that mean." You gave a makeshift smile. "In fact, I... Kinda have a small feeling for you, too."

"Really?-" He seemed genuinely shocked at that, it was surprisingly out of character.

"Why would I lie?" You paused for a moment. "Don't actually answer that."

Roy breathed in amusement. "I...guess you have a point." You checked your phone. Surprisingly, 2 hours had passed already.

"I should probably get home for lunch, my mum's gonna worry for me." You sighed, standing up.

"W-Wait, what if.. I took you out..?" Roy smiled awkwardly at you, his face still red. You smiled and giggled quietly.

"I'd like that."

Bruh I may have to make a part 3 after I do some requests
Anyway Roy cult Roy cult
Hope you enjoyed this not as long but fluffier part 2
Stan Roy for clear skin ❤

(1015 words)

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