Drunken Mishaps

504 22 6

[Few Days Later]

(Y/N's POV)

"You telling that you got 10,000 dollars from the VIP rooms, I call bullshit"! Diamond asked.

"Yes, would I lie about this shit Diamond"?

"Soo, you got a Sugar Mama now"? Ramona asked with a smirk on her face.

My face went red "Wtf no, I don't know that woman".

"Mm-hm, yea you need to throw away that trifling bastard you call a boyfriend for somebody else and I see the perfect candidate".

"Hell no, I don't know her like that".

"Mm-hmm keep lying to yourself".

"Bitch please, as if I could ever see her again that woman could be working at an international place".

"Well, you not wrong there (Y/N)" Diamond comments.

"Less talk about who gave her the money let's talk about how we gonna spend it the money".

My head whirls around to face Lorelei "Bitch who is a WE this ain't french. This is MY money I get to spend".

"gierige hacke".

"Right back at cha bitch".


We went shopping downtown in this fancy-ass mall.

"Yo, this looks cute".

I looked at Lorelei who was holdings up something skimpy.

"I'm not wearing that shit, that things gonna make me look like coconut city".

She clicked her tongue "You have no sense of fashion".

"And you have no heart".

She sticks up her middle finger.

"Ya mama". I snapped back.

"Why I outta". Lorelei started to roll up her sleeve.

Ramona steps between us "Aye, the both of you are grown-ass women and yet you two are acting like petty five-year-olds. If you two start fighting again Imma beat both of y'alls asses do you, understand me". She threatened us with a Sandle.


Diamond started laughing.

"Diamond just because they got in trouble doesn't mean I can't get a hold of you".

I snicked a bit.


~●~●~●~[*Time Skip*]~●~●~●~

We were in a food court at this point with bags full of shit that we didn't really need but got anyway.

I got a Louis Vuitton backpack, some Calvin Klein sports bra and booty shorts, and a bunch of perfumes, lotion, and body wash from bath and body works.

"I still got a few hundred dollars left I wonder how I'm gonna spend it".

"I know how we could buy a bottle few of Hennessey or Pink Moscato or something ". Diamond suggests.

"You must want me to have kidney failure".

We still bought the liquor. And there's something that you don't know about Diamond when she's on Hennessey.

Not only that she gets drunk. She becomes a drunk gangster. And that's something that I really want to avoid.

But the inevitable was upon me as we ventured to the most expensive bar.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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