Deep Inside Your Brain

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[6:35] P.M

"Come everyone, you know what time it is".

[I bet you are wondering why I'm just now waking up at a time like this...I'll explain that later]

"Ramona no"

"Ramona yes"

Ramona a 25-year-old Latina woman shakes a woman on a brown couch.

"Come on (Y/N) get your fat-ass up before I get my sandals".

That sentence alone made the [H/C] woman to rise out of the couch in a flash.

"I'm up, I'm up, just don't get the sandal". She begs.

"Eso es lo que pensé". Ramona got up to get everyone else awake.

"Mondays, I hate Mondays". The [H/C] woman sits upon the brown couch.

"I'm going to wake up the others and when I get back you better be ready". The Latina woman threatens then walks out of the living room.

"Might as well get up, the bills are not going to paty themselves". (Y/N) whisper.


Out from around a corner a dark brown woman with curly hair in two buns rushed into the living room.

"What did I say last time Diamond, if you didn't get up my sandal would say hello to you".

This woman was from Bronxville. Sweet and spicy in a way, stay on her good side at all costs. She has a fuckin AK-47 underneath her bed that nobody knows about except me.

(???): Can you two stop fighting, I am just now waking up.

"Lorelei, all of us are just now waking up".

Lorelei a Burnett-headed German girl from Berlin, is a good person with bad luck every now and then. Because she was being falsely accused by her sisters , she was damn near about to be in handcuffs before Ramona had to step in . But still, she's an attractive gal.

"(Y/N), you still half-awake".

"No, I'm dead".

"You really finna be 6 feet deep if you don't get your ass up and out the door in the next 15 minutes". Ramona was standing before me with the brown sandal in her hand.

"Ok my god, I'm going".

Where I get my money from is not important for now but it was the trip there.

As we walked we came across this expensive car, with an illegal amount of tint in it.

"Damn I wish I could have one of those if I only had the money". I whispered to myself as I examined the car.

With a sudden tug on my shoulder by Ramona, I was back walking "Come on (Y/N) don't get sidetracked". She ushered me back on the sidewalk.

I give the car one last look before going about my business.

But what I didn't know is that someone was inside the expensive car all along and heard everything I said.

(???): Don't worry Darling, Imma meet you soon. Cause I know you wanna see me.

I had to shake my head a little bit, it was like someone was inside my brain talking to me.

"(Y/N) you alright"?

"Yea, yea I'm fine". I reassured.

●~●~●~●[Time Skip]~●~●~●~●

After a few minutes of walking there were the faint sound of bumping music and a large building with a bunch of glowing light before the four of us.

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