chapter 12

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nobodies POV

as chat raced back through paris, he mounted from building to building, wondering what had happened to mari

as chat approached the hospital he yelled "claws in" plagg came flying out of his ring and into his hands, rubbing his head

"jeez adrien" plagg said tiredly
"no time plagg! i need to make sure marinettes okay!" adrien said as he determinedly tan into the hospital

as adrien walked into marinettes room, she was sitting up, holding a big mug of what looked like green tea

"marinette are you okay?" adrien said walking over to her bedside, taking a seat on a pale blue cushioned chair

"i'm fine adrien" marinette said with a smile on her face, reaching over to rub adriens leg

adrien looked up at marinette, staring into her eyes

as the two stared at each other, a nurse came
in, and interrupted their gaze

"miss dupain-cheng, please may i have a word with you?" the nurse said
"uh sure" marinette said confused
"mr aggreste, please may you leave me and miss dupain-cheng to talk"
"of course nurse" adrien said smiling softly at marinette as he walked out of the room

"miss, we've looked at all your tests, and you should be free to go home this evening, however, we noticed from your urine test that you may seem to be"

marinette felt the room get hot, her palms started to sweat, and her leg started vigorously shaking under the bed covers, her face went red and she felt like the walls were closing in on her

"miss dupain-cheng?" the nurse said, clocking marinettes discomfort
"sorry nurse" marinette said, lowering her head, feeling ashamed of herself
"miss i assume you already know what i'm about to say" the nurse said, looking at marinettte with a look of sympathy across her face
"yes nurse" marinette mumbled

there was silence as the nurse felt sympathy for marinette

"well you and your baby are perfectly fine from all our results, but you need to make sure you're resting over the next few weeks, and for the most part of your pregnancy"

"great" marinette thought, a superhero who can't endure physical activity for nine months, when hawkmoth is attacking almost every day

"yes nurse" marinette said, forcing a smile across her face

"i'll leave you and mr aggreste to gather your things and make your way home" the nurse smiled, and left

adrien came walking to the room, "all okay mari?" he asked

"yes adrien, i can come home" marinette said, yet again forcing a smile on her face

"great!" adrien said, and he want over and kissed her cheek

as marinette and adrien packed up all marinettes belongings, they exited the hospital, signing a piece of paper each to confirm that mari was discharged

as marinette and adrien arrived back at college, adrien unlocked their dorm door

marinette pushed past adrien and tan to the bathroom, adrien heard she was being sick, and quickly put all her stuff down to go and comfort her

as marinette was leaning over the toilet, adrien held up her hair, and patted her back, marinette weakly flushed the toilet, and fell into adriens arms, she placed her head in his chest, and adrien cradled her

"mari are you okay?" adrien asked her as she shut her eyes

"yes i'm fine adrien" mari replied, placing her head against adriens chest

marinette thought about telling adrien he was going to be a father, but pushed the thought to the back of her head

adrien placed marinette on his bed, and looked at her vomit stained clothes, her trousers and shirt with stains on them

"mari i cant let you sleep in these clothes" adrien said to marinette as she was falling asleep on his bed

adrien walked over to his closet, and grabbed a shirt of his and some boxers

he walked over to marinette, and gave her the clothes

"adrien i cant put them on" she mumbled out, her eyes shut

adrien undid her trousers, and noticed the stain had leaked through onto her floral lacy underwear

"adrienn" marinette said as she realised that letting him dress her would mean he'd see her basically naked

"it's okay mari, i'll let you do it" adrien said, walking over to the kitchen area

"no adrien i cant" she got out

"if you insist" adrien said with a giggle

adrien slipped off her underwear and lifted her legs into his boxers

he slipped her top off her shoulders and over her head, and replaced it with his top

adrien picked her up, and moved her under the covers, he put the duvet on top of her and left her to sleep

adrien walked over and sat next to her

he got under the cover and laid with mari in his arms

he watched her inhale and exhale, as he stared at her button nose, and her long eyelashes, her big shut eyes, her strands of her falling over her face, her pale pink lips, and her blush, freckled cheeks

adrien realised his feelings for marinette had grown so much stronger

miraculously pregnant 🤍Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz