chapter 8

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a few weeks had passed since marinette dupain-cheng and adrien aggreste had shared a romantic kiss in the moonlight, and had done it

as weeks of school work, romantic walks, going out for smoothies, and more college work went by, the pair had become very close

as marinette awoke she felt a sudden urge to be sick, she ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet

"marinette are you okay?" adrien said, sleepily walking to the bathroom to see marinette being sick

marinette was leaning over the toilet, adrien sat beside her and held her hair out the way, as she continued to be sick down the toilet

"thank you adrien" marinette said embarrassed
"is everything okay?" adrien said concerned
"i think it's just a bug that's all" marinette responded, pale as ever
"okay well as it's the weekend you can take it easy" adrien said to her, embracing her in a hug

adrien went to his closet and got out a shirt of his, he gave it to marinette to put on so that if she was sick again she wouldn't ruin any of her clothes, after all, she had designed and made most of them

"thank you adrien" she said smiling sheepishly

as marinette put on the shirt that was very oversized for her petit frame, adrien stood behind her and tied her hair up for her

he opened up the medicine cabinet and found some stomach bug pills, he popped one out and passed it to marinette, then going over to the sink to get her a glass of water

as marinette sat down on adriens bed, she took her pills and laid down under the covers

adrien stroked her hair, and laid next to her

"i'll be fine adrien" mari said with a smile
"i hope so mari, i wouldn't want anything to happen to you
"you're so over dramatic aggreste" mari responded chucking, and she laid a kiss on his cheek

it was now 8:05 am, and marinette had woken up from her doze, she ran to the bathroom again to vomit, adrien ran after her to help her clean herself up

once he had helped marinette, he cradled her on the couch, and she laid in his lap, sleeping

as the afternoon came marinette had woken up feeling a lot better

as she had got up she made herself a snack, and went about her day

"feeling better?" adrien said walking out the washroom into the kitchen
"yes thank you" marinette said with a grin, buttering some toast
"what was that all about then", adrien questioned
"i'm not too sure" marinette said blankly

adrien just shrugged it off, and mentioned to marinette he was just going to go and get some fresh air

adriens POV

plagg flew out of my pocket, and looked at me, as usual, unimpressed
"so what was that adrien?"
"what?" i asked him
"marinette throwing up" he said sternly
"i don't know plagg? she just said it was probably a stomach bug" i responded to my concerned kwami
"more like a BABY" he said blandly
"what-" i said
"that's right mister, you and marinette did it roughly 4 weeks ago, that's how long it takes for her to start showing symptoms" he said hovering next to my face

i stopped dead in my tracks
"she can't be pregnant plagg" i said lost for words
"she can't be" i repeated
"well adrien maybe you should have thought about this before you decided to have sex with her"

i was completely lost for words
i tried to push the thought marinette was pregnant out of my head, and tried to reassure myself it was just a stomach bug

marinettes POV

"tikkiiii" i said as i had the worst stomach pain
"marinettte..." tikki said concerned
"what?" i said to my kwami
"you don't think you might be pregnant... do you?"
"what-" i said to tikki
"well it was 4 weeks since you did it with adrien, don't you think there might be a possibility?"
"no tikki, it's just a stomach bug"

even though i'd tried convinced tikki and myself it was just a measly stomach bug, the thought i could be pregnant stayed in the back of my mind

i started panicking

"I WONT BE ABLE TO BE LADYBUG" i wailed sinking to the floor, putting my hands in my head

"calm down marinette" tikki said reassuringly
"we can always go to the shop and get you a pregnancy test"
"you're right" i said to her

so i grabbed my purse and ran out the door

i ran past everyone

i felt like i had a million eyes staring at me, and that my heart was about to fall out my chest, i felt like i had a million bricks on my chest, i felt like i was drowning

as i got to the pharmacy, i pushed the door open, the bell ringing on the way in

"good afternoon" the pharmacist said to me brightly with a smile on her face
"afternoon" i mumbled, trying to plaster a fake smile across my face, even though i felt like breaking down into a hundred million pieces

i walked over to the pregnancy tests, and picked up a few different brands, just to be 100% sure

i grabbed 4, and brought them over to the till

"is that all dear" the warm and friendly pharmacist said to me

"uh yes well not all for me because these are in actual fact my uh friends yeah my friends!" i said realising how dumb i sounded
"okay darling" the pharmacist said to me

as i was walking out, the lady at the till said to me, "good luck dear"
those reassuring words made me feel a tad bit better, so i smiled and waved as i left

i sprinted back to college, and ran into my dorm

adrien was sitting on the couch on his phone, with the TV on

"oh hey marinette, i was wondering where you've been, is everything okay?"

"yeah yeah i'm fine adrien thanks i um yeah" i said as i ran into the bathroom

"weird" adrien said to plagg, and returned to his phone

marinettes POV

*in the bathroom*
"okay just pee on the stick and wait for the result" i repeated over and over in my head
"just pee on the stick and wait for the result"

i got extremely nervous, and once the pregnancy tests were all waiting, i couldn't bare to look, not yet anyways

so i put them on the side, hidden away - slightly

i left the bathroom and sat on adriens bed

nobodies POV
adrien got up to go the the bathroom, marinette noticed, and shrieked
"NO ADRIEN" she said racing to the bathroom

"what?" adrien said, confused
"i uh there's just some stuff in there you can't see", marinette said, opening the bathroom door, going inside, and locking it
"phew" marinette said, wiping her sweaty forehead

adriens POV

"see plagg" i said
"marinette can't be pregnant, she's literally on her period, that's what she's hiding from me"

plagg looked at me so unimpressed
i couldn't work out why he looked like that, marinette clearly wasn't pregnant, so everything was good

marinettes POV
*in the bathroom*
"okay tikki, it's time to look" i said to my reassuring kwami
"you can do it marinette, and just remember, whatever the outcome, you can't change it, and you'll just have to deal with it" tikki said to me
"yea" i said under my breath

i picked up the pregnancy tests, and looked at all 4 of them laid out on the side





i was pregnant

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