Chapter 16 | now

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A/N: 😃

I paced out of class, overlooking the hall a bit, but my gaze was more focused on getting down the elevator, walking back to the apartment, getting ready, and the wait for Mel

Arriving to the elevator, I pressed the down button and waited for recognizable ring of the elevator.

The ring came as well as the elevator doors opening.

I stepped into the elevator with a forming grin on my face thinking about what can happen today. I can finally get some more social interaction in this new area than going to class or either talking to Killua.

By the thought of Killua, I put down my bag before pressing the button. I haven't checked my phone since back at the house or paid any attention to it since then.

I decided I was going to check in with Killua...even though he's probably busy , I want to make sure if everything is going right for him

I found my phone at the bottom of my backpack and grabbed it—holding the power button.

It's dead


I lowered my head a bit saddened that this happened but I could just charge it back at the apartment anyways.

Just about to zip up my backpack, I realized I just walked all the way to the elevator with no hat on. I reached down in my backpack to grab my hat. Grabbing it, I put it on top of my highlighted spikes.

I pressed the elevator button to the 1st floor but hear a loud set of steps coming towards the elevator. I looked towards the door to see a girl with raven hair and some glasses, and a taller girl with a pink noticeable hair style.

I give them a slight glance as the sound of their loud breaths fill the elevator.

"May the first floor..." the girl with pink hair asked within her heavy breaths. I looked at her and nodded, knowing I already pressed the first floor.

The way down was silent but it didn't feel awkward in my opinion. It was a comfortable but worrying silence in the elevator In a way I could describe.

I could hear the girls whispering beside me but I didn't want to intrude their space and let my curiosity have the better.

We got down to the 1st floor and the elevator doors opened to the lobby. I looked towards the two girls and signed that they can go first. They nodded and said thank you before speed walking out the elevator.

I blinked from the rush and decided to ignore it. Focusing back on my main priority I decided to rush too.

I sped out the elevator and into the lobby. The lovely front desk waving me off as I walked. Once I got to the glass doors, I pulled out my ID card and scanned it on the box shaped scanner nearby the door. The doors opened and I walked out—making sure my hat is covering any recognizable details from my forehead to under my nose, after the few unexpected notices...

I kept walking through the campus passing by other students who were either going to another class or somewhere else. It was very normal to see some people laying the grass sides studying, playing music, and all kinds of stuff.

A few minutes later I successfully got out the campus without any unplanned circumstances. Taking my phone out my pocket, I was about to call for an Uber until I phone is dead..

I placed it back into my pocket and sighed having to walk down the city to my apartment, but don't get me wrong though! It's enjoyable to look at nature that surrounded the outside of my college campus. It was kind of the only spot that had a bunch of trees in the city not including the park or the forest nearby.

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