Overprotective Joe

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As you can probably tell this is slightly inspired by the latest episode, there aren't any clear spoilers so I don't think it'll matter whether or not you've watched episode 10. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Cherry's POV
I woke up feeling refreshed, I had a surprisingly good night of sleep. My eyes widened as the memories of yesterday evening flooded back to my head, I sat upright and looked down to see that I had been sleeping on Kojiro's chest! And by the looks of it, he had his arm wrapped around my waist! I decided to pretend to be asleep again. I wanted to know what Kojiro's reaction would've been when he woke up to see us cuddling. So I lied back down and waited for him to wake up.

Kojiro groaned, "Eh?! What's Kaoru doing on my- Oh my fucking God!" he shouted as the moment of realisation hit, I flinched a little to make it seem as if I were sleeping. "Jeez what are you a cat, you've been sleeping since around 12:30." he sighed and carefully got out of bed. Then gave me a peck on the forehead and left the room. I- I'm struggling to process what just happened but I think Kojiro just gave me a peck on the forehead?! Why does this man keep giving me mixed signals? He's getting my hopes up!

He came back in and I got up and yawned, pretending to have just woken up. "Morning sleepyhead," Kojiro said, seeing I was awake.
"Good morning, how long was I asleep for?"
"It's around 5:23 so uhhhh, more than 12 hours," he said after thinking for a while, his math skills are terrible.
"Oh, you gonna make breakfast?" he rolled his eyes,
"I'm not your slave Kaoru," he said rolling his eyes but going downstairs to do it anyway. I decided to change clothes so I went through Kojiro's closet and picked out an over-sized hoodie, put that on and went downstairs. "Is that my hoodie?"
"Maybe it is maybe it's not," I said sitting on a stool waiting for him to finish cooking.

Joe's POV
Why the fuck does Kaoru look so cute in my hoodie?! I'm constantly questioning my sexuality because of this man and it's fucking annoying because I'm straight. But when I see Kaoru I feel like I'm in love, so maybe I'm bi? Yeah, I'm probably bi but the bigger problem here is that I'm in love with Kaoru. He's gay so I might have a chance but he probably hates me. Then again why would he hang out with me if he hated me? I went on arguing with myself for around 2 and a half minutes until Kaoru snapped me out of it.
"Oi muscle-brained gorilla can you hurry up with the food instead of staring off into space?" he said scrolling through social media on his phone.
"Shut it four-eyes." I turned around and started to cook, Kaoru liked Italian food so I made a frittata. I had finished cooking and placed the plates on the counter, "Eat up,"
"Thanks," he said with a smile. Goddammit, why did his smile have to be so fucking cute?!

"Do you have clothes I can change into?" Kaoru asked after he had finished eating.
"No, but I can wash your clothes and give them to you when they're dry."
"That's too much effort for you, don't you have a restaurant to run? Besides they don't need to be washed." Why does everyone but me remember I have a restaurant?! This has happened twice now, also was Kaoru implying that he wanted to wear my clothes? Nah I'm probably overthinking it.
"Ok then," I replied as I started to clean the dishes and Kaoru went upstairs to go change.

"I'm leaving now," Kaoru said waving goodbye.
"Wait I'll go with you I have to shop for groceries anyway." I didn't want him to leave just yet, besides I did need to go food shopping.
"I don't know if any shops are open at this time but you can come either way," Kaoru replied.

We were walking along the streets and it was pretty quiet, not many people were out in the streets and few streetlights were lit. I decided to stay close to Kaoru in case anyone tried anything (by that I mean trying to attack them, just some clarification in case you didn't understand). There was a stall I wanted to buy something from so I told Kaoru to wait by a bench until I had finished.

Cherry's POV
I was standing there, waiting for Kojiro to finish shopping when suddenly I felt someone come up behind me.
"It's your fault my girlfriend broke up with me but I'm sure she won't want some crippled man in a wheelchair!" the man said before hitting me with a bat. Then I fell to the ground, everything was blurry and then black...

Joe's POV
I had brought what I wanted and went back to see Kaoru passed out on the ground and a person behind him holding a bat. I ran toward him and held him in my arms, I glared at the person and they ran off. I wanted to smash their face in so badly but I needed to get Kaoru to the hospital, that was more important than beating up the person who hurt him. I picked Kaoru up bridal style then called a taxi to drive us to the hospital.

I was in the hospital room waiting for Shadow to arrive. The doctor said Kaoru had a minor concussion, so after he woke up he'd only need to stay another day until he can be discharged. I called Shadow so as soon as he came I would leave and find the asshole who did this. He has to have a good reason for hurting my Kaoru, otherwise, he should be digging his grave.

Shadow had arrived and I thanked him for coming then left. I wanted to stay and look after Kaoru badly but I could do that later. Right now I needed to find the guy who hurt Kaoru. I went back to the street where Kaoru was knocked out and looked around hoping to see the guy who put Kaoru in the hospital. I continued walking for a while and I saw him. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans with a grey hoodie on top.

I walked over to the guy and tap him on the shoulder and as he turned around I punched him. He fell to the floor and looked up,
"What the hell? Joe?!" so he's from S, I bent down, grabbed his collar, looked him dead in the eyes and said
"Why the fuck did you hurt Cherry?"
"W-why do you care? Don't you hate him?"
"Answer my fucking question!"
"My girlfriend left me for him, so I wanted to get revenge!" I sighed and let go of his collar. As much as I wanted to kill him I wasn't going to. If I did I would be just as bad as him.
"Your girlfriend doesn't have a chance you know, Cherry's gay. Besides, you aren't going to win her back if you beat up the man she's currently in love with." the male looked up at me in shock.
"Cherry's gay?!"
"Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't know he's pretty open about it," I said walking off towards the hospital, if I looked at his face any longer I knew I would've done something I would regret. At least now I can go look after Kaoru.

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