Miya just collecting his daily blackmail

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Miya's POV

Reki and Langa were having a conversation about skateboards, Shadow was on the phone talking to that florist woman he had a crush on and Joe was admiring Cherry sleep. The guy acts like he's straight but he's definitely a raging bisexual, only for Cherry though. Then Joe came out from behind the counter and picked Cherry up bridal style and took him out to the 'house part' of the building. I smirked to myself, they were so obviously in love and I'm pretty sure Cherry's aware of his feelings and Joe's in denial 'cause he's stupid like that.

"That's it Langa you're so smart!" Reki shouted, jumping up, then kissing him on the cheek and sprinting out of the restaurant to go God knows where. On the other hand Langa was sitting there frozen in place with his hand on his cheek. Reki and Langa are another dumb gay couple that are to wimpy to confess to each other. But I'll deal with them two later, my main focus for now is getting Joe and Cherry together.

Meanwhile with Joe and Cherry:

Joe's POV

I set Kauro on the bed and put the blanket over him. I was about to leave when Kaoru grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto the bed. You know, for such a skinny guy he's surprisingly strong. It seems like Kaoru pulled me down unconsciously because he was sound asleep. Then he brought the hand he was still grabbing onto into his chest and curled up, almost into a ball kind of shape. I blushed. I didn't know why but the feelings I feel toward him feels like love. I sighed, leaning back so my head was supported by the wall.

"You're really confusing, you know that Kaoru?"
"Who's Kaoru?" Miya asked, scaring the shit out of me.
"None of your business! When did you even get up here?!"
"Just now, why's Cherry holding your hand?" Miya asked pointing to the hand Cherry was still holding.
"How am I supposed to know? He's skinny but he has a grip."
"So what your saying is Cherry is stronger than you?" Miya asked with a smirk, he was planning something but at that moment I couldn't have cared less.
"No, I just can't be bothered to free myself from Cherry." Kaoru hated mixing S life and normal life so around people we know from S I call him Cherry.
"Don't you have customers to serve?" My eyes widened, I completely forgot about my restaurant! I gently freed my hand from Kaoru's grip and ran downstairs.

A couple hours later:

Cherry's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, I felt relaxed and refreshed. I observed my surroundings, soon realising I was in Kojiro's bedroom. I'm guessing that I fell asleep but why didn't Kojiro leave me downstairs? I groaned laying back down on the bed, why does he keep giving me hope when it's obvious he doesn't like me back?

I heard the door open and assuming it's Kojiro I pretended it to be asleep. A tall figure came up to the bed, "How long are you going to sleep for Kaoru?" Kojiro sighed, he lightly stroked my head before leaving the room. What the fuck was that?! Why is he so affectionate toward me it's giving me hope?! I was blushing furiously, my face was probably beet red, so I'm glad my face was covered. He came back in and laid under the covers facing the opposite direction I was in. My face turned even redder (if that was possible) how am I supposed to sleep with that gorilla sleeping in the same bed as me?!

The next morning:

Miya's POV

Me, Langa and Reki were heading over to Joe's place, the day before I had stolen the keys to the place so we could head over early but at that moment I wanted to go home. Reki and Langa were acting awkward as fuck and it was really annoying. I mean you kissed him on the cheek so what, you're both in love with each other anyways. We headed up to Joe's bedroom to jump on him if he wasn't already awake but what we got instead was even better. Joe and Cherry were cuddling!

Reki and Langa looked really surprising so I'm guessing they didn't know but I did and this is the perfect chance for black mail. I took my phone out and started taking around 30+ different pictures. Imagine how shocked they'll be when they wake up and find this!
"Let's go and come back later." I said going through all the pictures I managed to get while Langa and Reki just followed behind me. I think they may be suffering from shock but it's not my fault they didn't realise Joe and Cherry were in love.

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