Chapter 1

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Charlie had given me quite the load of details for these cases. I know Sam and Dean said this case would be quick and easy, but this pile of paperwork would take me days to sift through. I held tightly to clipped files and reports as I opened the passenger side of my car. I neatly piled all my accumulated works into the seat, buckling them in for safety. I closed the side door with my hip, probably scraping more of the scuffed green paint off.

The second I yanked open the drivers' side door, a shiver shot up my back. My arm hairs stood on end as I quickly surveyed my surroundings. The air was calm, and there were no sounds aside from some quiet chirping. It's not like I could whip out a shotgun and start firing away, so I pulled myself slowly into the seat and closed the door. I didn't buckle, deciding I would begin by driving slow until I felt safe again to lock myself into my seat. Plus, in the instance that someone or something decided to pop out from behind my seat or somehow sift through the metal frame I was in, I would be fully and freely twistable. I twist my keys in the ignition, popping the clutch and shifting gears as my car pulled from the police station. I made my way slowly through the town, eventually passing Forks High School. Deciding quickly against fantasizing, my brain forced focus on the eerie feeling I still had. There was some feeling that was prodding in the back of my head, like a quiet knocking. For some reason, I was incredibly, incredibly nervous. My hands had involuntarily begun shaking, and I watched my knuckles turn white while I gripped the steering wheel. My heart started beating and my breath drew shaky. I knew, in my brain, that I was not nervous in the slightest. However, some external source had to be telling me I was.

I slowly pulled myself into a parking space at the motel, gently turning the key out of the ignition. I braced myself, and pulled the key out, the air filling with silence. I waited a few seconds, before sighing in relief and turning to open my door.

My neck was exposed.

I felt a sharp prick of pressure on my neck, and I clenched, gripping my door handle. I quickly glanced in the rearview mirror, noticing the sharp tint of bright red eyes right next to my head.

I had no machete, no holy water, no source of killing this vamp. I could smell the reek of blood on his breath, and I clutched my keys. My keys.

I gripped my keys in my hand, and jerked my hand back, gouging the bloodsucker right in the beady red eye. I heard him shout, but all that I focused on was the second his grip loosened on my shoulders.

I threw myself out of the car, scrambling up to the trunk. I popped it with a bang to the hood, tearing up the carpet flooring and sifting hastily for a machete.

Tearing footsteps against the ground.

I grabbed the hilt.

So close, so close!

I swung, pressure shuddering through my arms.


I watched the head thud against the hood of my car, rolling over and off on the other side. I ran a hand through my hair, groaning.

"Son of a bitch."

The body was pretty heavy, and I dragged the guy by his legs up and over to my trunk. I kind of shoved him in there, letting his limbs bend awkwardly. I threw the head in too, not really taking a good look at it aside from ripping my keys out of his skull.

I ran inside to change, throwing on a black sweatshirt and leggings. I washed my hands in the sink, brushing my teeth and spraying in perfume too. After killing anything, especially one that looks like a person, you feel pretty icky.

I started my car up and started making my way to the reservation, deciding now that my life had been literally on the line, it was time to involve Jacob. I drove quickly, a few miles from launching myself down La Push road. After 15 minutes in the car, I texted Jake "Be at your house in 5", and prayed he'd see it.

Finally, I pulled into the grassy driveway in front of the Black's house. As I opened the door, I heard thunder rumble in the distance and smelled rain in the air. The churning weather eased my mood, and I jogged to knock on the screen door. After a second, I almost sobbed when I saw Jake making his way through the living room.

"Jacob Black" I said, wincing at the shudder in my voice.

"Hey, gorgeous", He smiled, before knitting his brows and saying "what's up?"

"I know" I almost shouted, once again blushing at the cracking in my normally even voice.

"I don't know what you mean, babe",  he answered, genuinely looking confused.

"I know you're a shifter".  Jacob's eyes filled with panic, but only for a second.

"I still don't know what you mean"

"Cut the bullshit, Black, I seriously need your help". I turned to move, gripping a few of his fingers and pulling him to the trunk of my car.

"How did you figure it out?" He asked, looking me in the eyes in fear.

"I knew for sure that night Sam came up to you and was talking about 'patrol' when we were listening to your dad's stories".

"So you know about all of us? No one's ever figured us out that fast" he chuckled.

All of them?

"All of you?" I spoke, shocked. I turned from opening the trunk to look at Jacob. "You guys all are?"

"Well, just the boys and Leah" He said. "Not all of us".

"Okay, I'm going to process this later and just tell you what I came here for" I rushed, throwing open the trunk and presenting the body like a cat presents a dead bird to their owner.

"Holy shit why is Jasper Cullen decapitated in your trunk?"

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I hope you all enjoyed! Sorry for being shit at updating, but my brain feels like a capri sun at all hours. 

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