"The Worlds -- they're dying," she said softly. He pulled away from their embrace but still kept his hands around her. "Why is this happening?"

"Raava was tired of the humans ruining everything we have done for them," he explained softly. "She said it was time for us to start anew."

"So, we're not going to dissolve?"

"We are going to dissolve." Agni nodded, his dark hair falling into his face. She slowly brushed it out of his eyes. Her hand remained buried in his hair as she gazed into his beautiful orange eyes. "But, we will all reform when the new World is created, and we will start over with new humans. This time around, we will make sure that hate is not present anymore."

"What if I loved the humans in this World? What if I don't like them in the New World?"

"I don't know what to tell you." He rested his forehead against hers, letting out a breath. "But what I can tell you is that we won't remember each other in that new World."

It felt like her heart had dropped out of her chest and onto the ground in front of her. Someone was stepping on her heart, making it shudder and writhe in pain. They wouldn't know each other in that new World? What good would that do for them? If none of the Spirits knew each other and who each other was, then they would not be able to govern a new World easily. Since they wouldn't know each other, they wouldn't know what buttons not to press or what not to say to each other. Unless they were different people when they reformed. If that were the case, then they would be going into it blind again.

Agni also looked devastated that they would not know each other. She felt the same devastation crash into her, running rampant through her veins. This was the last time they would know who each other was, and it was the end of the World as they knew it. This was the only chance they got? Just one little dance, one that they hadn't been able to complete. It wasn't fair; they should have had all the time in the world to fall in love and have each other. She was angry with the Fates that they didn't allow her to have Agni's love until the very end. What good would it do to be in love when they wouldn't remember each other in the New World? 

"It'll be alright," Agni said softly. He didn't sound like he believed what he was saying, though. His voice sounded so very hollow, just like the feeling in her chest. "We'll be alright. We'll find each other again and fall back in love."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't. But I do know that we will do anything to get each other back."

She sighed and pulled away from him. When his hands left her body, she immediately went cold. A shiver traveled down her spine as she glanced around. The area around them had lost all color by now, and it was slowly dissolving into nothingness. Soon, it would be them. She didn't want that to happen yet. Not until she told him how she felt. As soon as she opened her mouth, she suddenly felt nervous about telling him how she felt. 

"You don't have to worry about telling me," Agni whispered, taking her hands in his. He softly rubbed circles across the tops of her hands with his thumbs, spreading warmth through her body. His orange eyes were lit up with pure love and happiness, and he said, "I know exactly how you feel. We're in the same boat, remember?"

"Right." She took a deep breath, giving him a radiant smile. For once in the past few years, she was happy. "But I still want to tell you." She squeezed his hands. As she started speaking, the weight on her shoulders slowly lifted up and up, leaving her feeling at peace. "When I became a Spirit again, I subjected myself to the Moon. That was the only place that felt right to me. I didn't want to be around the other Spirits because they didn't understand me. And that's when I saw you."

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