Chapter Three

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Finally, the tremors stopped shaking across the world. She wasn't sure if the tremors were in her mind or if they were real. She couldn't tell anymore. That was alright with her, though. Her mind had always been a dark and dreary place, even when she was Yue. But, wasn't everyone's mind full of darkness? She knew she wasn't the only one who harbored terrible thoughts and even worse emotions. The difference about her was that she didn't let that darkness affect her. She let the light of love break through the darkness. She let the light of love shine down upon the humans below. They had to feel her love, or else they would be so much worse off. 

She could feel the presence of the humans in the Spirit World already. They were wandering around, and she could feel the awe traveling off of them in waves. The awe filled her heart, making her smile wide. She was glad that the people that she loved most could explore her home, though they'd never be able to go to the Moon with her. No Human could ever go to the Moon, but they were now able to traverse the Spirit World, and that was very exciting. She was able to interact with her people more often now if she would visit this part of the Spirit World more than once every decade. Now that they were able to visit, she thought that she should come to the Spirit World more often, just so she could see her people. It was the right thing to do, right? Yes, she decided, it was the right thing to do. 

The thought of staying in this part of the Spirit World didn't sit right with her, though. She wanted to be able to watch over her people from the safety of her Moon. That way, she could stare at Agni all the time, and he wouldn't be able to see her weird glances since he was in the Sun. Plus, she still wasn't very popular with the Spirits, though she was doing much better than a while ago. The Painted Lady had warmed up to her, and they had spent a long time talking about the people they have taken care of. But she would try to visit the Spirit World more often, only for her people, though.

It felt good to have another Spirit care about the humans as much as she did, which was what the Painted Lady did. It seemed like none of the other Spirits cared about the humans as they should have. She knew that they were getting tired of the darkness that pervaded them, but that didn't mean that they should give up on them. No, it meant that they needed to do a better job of taking care of them. It was their fault that darkness was so strong in the Human World. The humans felt the shifts of balance in the Spirit World, and that was why there was so much hate in the world. If the Spirits would just come back together again, she was sure that things would be better in the Human World. 

A familiar sensation ran through her body. She could sense a human near her. The feeling was strange after all these years, but she still recognized it. The young girl stopped in front of her with wide eyes, her dark hair pulled back in a tight bun. There was an arrow painted on her forehead, delighting her. She knew who this was; it was Avatar Aang's granddaughter. She had watched her grow from a baby into the young woman she was today. A lot had happened to her, but she had grown into such a beautiful young woman with love in her heart, especially for a certain young boy that wasn't with her. 

"You must be Jinora," she said gently. A warm smile graced her face as she gazed at Jinora. "Aang has told me a lot about you."

Jinora still had that wide-eyed look about her, but she did look more open to conversing with a real-life Spirit. She knew that Jinora had spent a lot of time in the Spirit World, even before it was open to the rest of the humans. However, it still shocked people that they were actually in the presence of the Spirits who ran the world. 

"Avatar Aang is around?" Jinora asked. Her voice was soft like she didn't want to disturb the peace settling around them. She understood the feeling; she did it all the time.

"Yes, he is. He's waiting for you at the Hai-Riyo Peak."

"Where is that at?"

Yue spun around, her eyes traveling over the expanse behind her. She wasn't used to being in this part of the Spirit World, so she wasn't sure where to point Jinora. Instead of trying to find it herself, she closed her eyes and tried to find Avatar Aang. She could feel his emotions and love coming from in front of her, and her eyes flashed open. "Just head that way. You'll find him soon enough," she said, turning back to Jinora while pointing behind her. "Have fun, Master Jinora."

Heavenly Pursuit (Princess Yue)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang