°•Unfinished Symphony•°

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History repeats itself, L'Manberg is blown up and someone begs for their own death.

Insane AU

TW:Swearing, Blood, Insane behavior, Character death (Implied), Murder (Implied), Suicidal thoughts.


L'Manberg was...so beautiful.

It was a little blown up, yeah, but it was gorgeous.

He felt his dried tears cold against his cheeks, the air that smelled like gunpowder brushed his skin in a gentle, yet maddening way.

He wanted it to end, he noticed, after a couple of minutes of staring at the hole where the symphony of his brother used to rest.

He was so tired, everything he seemed to call a home always ended up being destroyed, and it was all his fault, he was the one that always fucked up, again, and again, and again, and somehow people still saw him as the hero, they still didn't see the bad in him, Dream did, he always made sure to remind him of that.

Dream was the source of all the problems.

He needed to die to be free, somewhere where Dream couldn't find him, he needed to go somewhere where Dream wouldn't even dare to go, and that was the afterlife, he needed to die to be free, and there wasn't a doubt about that.

He smiled, gaze still firm on the huge hole that he once called a home, it truly was beautiful, the ashes that made your skin freeze at the contact, because it reminded you of how things went horribly wrong. The flames that were still lit up, the beautiful orange and the passionate red dancing along the shining yellow flames that made his heart warm, because it reminded him of the hug of a brother that always used to leave the scent of gunpowder anywhere he went. The bedrock at the very bottom of the world, a block that was indestructible, and yet people with power got to use it without even a price to pay. The sounds of the TNT that was still going on, the explosions that seemed to follow everywhere he went, the explosions that always made their way back to him.

Because he was Chaos, he realized, he was Chaos and chaos was all he would get, all he did was cause discord everywhere he went, the server was perfectly fine without him, but he ruined it, and now he had to pay.

A death of a hero, that was his punishment.

He never wanted to be the hero of the story, Theseus didn't seem to fit right now, but he thinks that maybe it did, because in the end, he ends up dying. He didn't want to be a hero, and if his punishment was to die like one, then so be it, he was ready to accept it.

He closed his eyes, inhaling the smoke that made his lungs hurt for the very last time, before opening them with a smile in his face, he turned around, and there he was, the one that had to kill him.

He looked at him in the eyes, those red eyes that he always enjoyed to see, but now they didn't bring anything more than pain and betrayal. His frow deepened once he noticed the smile in the blonde's face.

"It's done Theseus, I hope you learned your lesson."

But of course he had! He learned his lesson, he was a pest, they needed to get rid of him to live happily, he just ruined everything that surrounded him, and he learned that now, the only way to end the pain and suffering was for him to die.

He laughed, he started laughing and soon, all eyes were on him, some worried, some angry, but most were confused.

His arms that were before limp at his sides slowly made their way to his hair, and as his laugh continued, he pulled it, hard, the playful laugh soon becoming histerical and something horrid to hear, or watch.

He clutched his stomach, it started hurting from the laugh, and soon, it became hard to breathe.

He abruptly stopped, and with a deep breath he faced the piglin once again, now he seemed just confused and scared.

"Of course Technoblade! Of course I learned! I am the problem here! Everything I ever love ends up getting destroyed! The chaos follows me! So, so so, the-" He snorted, while taking a step closer to the blade, he could feel the blood from his previous cuts coming down his arms, "There's only-only one way, you know? Right? Right, of course you know, and-What's the only way for things to go well in this server!?" He shouted angrily, being face to face with the hybrid, who's grip on his sword became stronger as the realization hit him.

Tommy smiled, while pointing his own sword to his chest, the handle of it being pointed at who used to be his brother.

He heard gasps, and the ruffle of the wings of a father that had killed his son, as the realization of what was happening came to them, and everyone knew what was about to happen.

"Kill me, Lycomedes."



Just felt like writing a little angst, you know? It's raining and all over here so I was reeeeeally in the mood-


I really like this one, I like doing insane AUs, specially the dialogues because it's where you can prove someone has gone insane, an insane person won't make sense, they will stutter and trip over their words and ask questions just to answer them themselves, add the sudden mood swings and well, I just really like writing it ;)

Soo, hope you enjoyed and...


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