Atticus Is An Idiot

Start from the beginning

The front door to the building opens and a man who looks kind of familiar walks in.

"Are you an officer?" he asks Atticus, and Atticus narrows his eyes briefly before standing up and extending his hand.

"Yes, I'm a Mistacesemia specialist officer," Atticus says. "How can I help you, sir?"

The man sighs. "Do you happen to know if Silas Fredrick Murray is being held here? I'm his lawyer, James Murray."

Oh, he must be the bastard father that I already hate because he sent Silas away.

"Yes, let me call someone to take you to him."

James glares at Atticus. "Can you not take me back there? Don't you work here?" he asks and I would love to shove my shoe up his ass.

What a dick.

"Well, I'm actually off duty and not allowed back there because I was trying to protect Silas and the man in charge of this sector hates everyone with Mistacesemia," Atticus says bitterly. "I suppose you can relate?"

James looks appalled. "How dare you speak to me that way?!"

"Don't start with me," Atticus scowls, and it'd be so much harder if I wasn't upset. "I've had enough conversations with Silas to know how your shitty family treated him for something he couldn't control."

I stand up to be beside Atticus in order to support him. "Why are you even here? We both know your family doesn't care about Silas," I say, and James looks all of five seconds from bitch slapping me.

I'd like to see him try.

"What are you two to him?" James asks, and Atticus and I share a look before he responds.

"We're his boyfriends," Atticus says, taking my hand in his own. "And you're an ass."

Darrel the Douche walks out of the back hallway, looking at myself and Atticus in disgust. He has a dark mark surrounding his puffy eye, and there's a cut on his forehead just above his eyebrow.

"Hey! Silas' lawyer is here," Atticus calls, stepping aside.

"He has a lawyer?" the bitch asks, his eyes narrow. "How is he affording it? Are you offering him a house and money, Atticus?"

I grab Atticus' arm before he attacks his poor excuse of a boss. "It's none of your business. Silas' lawyer is here, so you better bring him back to talk with his client before we sue you for infringing on Silas' rights."

Darrel the Douche leads James away, so Atticus and I sit back down, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"What happened to your dickhead of a boss' face?" I ask, because I want to know who I should thank for punching him.

"My fist," Atticus tells me, and I look at him in complete shock. "What? He called Silas an animal and deserved it."

I would totally give him a really good blow job right now if we weren't sitting in the lobby of a police station. Oh well, he can wait until we go home, and I'm not leaving until Silas is safe and with us, because he's innocent.

"So... we have a new boyfriend it seems," I say flirtatiously, because I don't know if Atticus was just saying that or if he meant it.

I actually hope he meant it.

Over the past couple of weeks, even though Silas slept in a different room, we were all close on our days off and were very touchy and affectionate. There were times when I would sit with my head resting in Silas' lap or I'd see Atticus touch his lower back when brushing past him.

"No, no, I was just saying that," Atticus says, and he sounds panicked. "Like, you know, to make a point to his dad! You're the only one I love, babe."

I raise an eyebrow. "I wouldn't mind, you know," I tell him, kissing Atticus' neck before moving to plant another kiss on his cheek.

"What?" Atticus asks. "Babe, if you don't think I love you then you need to talk to me! You can't just say I should move on to Silas!"

Oh my god.

I forget that this man, for being a professional and a specialist, can be a literal idiot. Does he really not understand that I kind of want a relationship with him and Silas? I want to try it, to see if it would work, because I'm pretty sure I'm falling for Silas, but I'm also in love with Atticus.

"Not what I was saying, Atticus," I say, but he still looks confused as hell. "I meant, like... I wouldn't mind if you liked Silas because I think I like him, too."

Atticus purses his lips. "Like... a threesome? We talked about that, babe, but it wasn't really a good time between work and with everything going on with Silas trying to avoid the police," he tells me.

I may have to hit him.

Not in a mean way, just a love tap to the chest for being an idiot.

"Atticus, I love you, but you're an idiot sometimes," I tell him, and Atticus frowns. "I mean that I like Silas. And I love you. And I want to try to be with both of you, because I think he likes both of us and I think you like him as well."

He gapes at me. "Are you serious?" he asks, but before I can defend myself and say that if he's not interested it's okay, but he slams our lips together, and my eyes flutter shut. "We should talk to Silas about it when this all gets figured out."

"Yeah we should," I agree. "By the way, are you in trouble for having helped Silas?"

Atticus nods, looking irritated. "Two week suspension, but the guys above Darrel really like me, so I'm hoping they'll be able to help us out. Everything that has to do with people with Mistacesemia is kind of kept under the table so it's all kept from the public. Our names will be kept under wraps and chances are that either Silas will be set free if his dad-lawyer can prove innocence or he'll be sent to an isolated prison. It won't be a public case."

"Damn," I say, because I know that Atticus will be bored as hell at home and he feels guilty that Silas was caught because of his phone being left out.

It's twelve in the morning when the receptionists change shifts, and Atticus and I are brought food and drinks by Jared, who feels bad that Silas was caught.

It's been a few hours, and I wonder what Silas and his evil father are talking about.

It's three in the morning when James finally comes out of the back hallway, and he sees myself and Atticus still sitting there.

"Silas is innocent," he tells us, confidence in his tone. "And I know how to prove it."

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