Little miss blondie with a nice ass' voice, once again, vibrated through my ears, making me wince. I'm no stranger to loud voices (or loud screams, wink wink) but I'm still in the midst of trying to nurse a headache that's  been trying to break through my skull.

I had wanted to say something back to her, but the pounding in my head I felt was enough reason for me to concentrate all my energy into trying to keep standing still in our apartment building's hallway. And so I just stood there as I watched little miss blondie with a nice ass as she walked back and forth, one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead, wide eyes to match - she just looked like the idea hasn't completely sunk into her yet and I wonder why.

Is it because she can't believe her luck that a sex goddess is her neighbour and she's trying to calm her hormones?

I would appreciate it if she didn't.

We can just go straight to fucking each other out, her place or mine, headache be damned.

Honestly, this hallway looks pretty comfortable for a round of—

"Why the hell do you have crazy eyes?"

I was interrupted from my perverted train of thoughts once again. It seems like with little miss over here, it would be a common occurrence. After all, this isn't the first time she ever interrupted me with her loud voice booming through the space. This time really is no different.

Deciding to break away from my own thoughts, I looked up to meet her gaze, and there she was, one hand still on her hip and the other hanging limp, an eyebrow raised at me. This is the first time I ever had a good look at my neighbour, and there was nothing I wanted more than to thank every single god out there because my, my, I may have hit jackpot with this feisty blondie right here.

She had long blonde hair that almost reached her waist, a small face, big round eyes, and plump pinkish lips. She was wearing a white crop top soaked in chamomile tea, sticking to her skin and accentuating her perfectly toned torso, and not to mention, the black bra she had on. She was also wearing black skinny jeans, one that showed off her figure and her long legs.

Fuck, is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

"Seriously, can you stop staring at me like that?"

Again, with the fucking interruptions. 

Instead of being annoyed, however, I decided that maybe we could get to the fucking part faster if I introduced myself to her. And so that's what I did.

"My name's Jisoo. Jisoo Kim," I smiled at her, putting my hand out for her to take while I'm at it, making it seem like I'm a hospitable neighbour. Wink wink.

I expected her to introduce herself like a decent person, maybe take my hand and drag me to her apartment where we can start getting to the good part but instead, she laughs loudly.

"Jisoo? Jisoo Kim? And who am I supposed to be? Bond? James Bond?" she said as she erupted in hysterics, both her hands now clutching on to her stomach 

My mouth flew open, not quite believing that she's here laughing at me. She's supposed to be kissing me senselessly at this point!

I rolled my eyes at her for not following the script in my head. "I see they don't teach you manners wherever you come from..." I said, surprised that I sounded a little annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said as she tried to calm herself down from her hysterics. I watched as she took deep breaths to calm down, her chest heaving against her soaked crop top, making me stare shamelessly at her.

I was only interrupted when she cleared her throat. "It seems like they don't teach you manners wherever you come from either," she said. "Eyes up here, Miss Kim."

I did as I was told, immediately looking up to meet her eye, her features dark and her eyes stern. But just as quickly as she came down from her high, was how quickly her facial features changed. From an angry look on her face to what I can only describe as your typical girl scout selling cookies door-to-door now, wide smile and a twinkle in their eyes. She actually looks... cute?

"Roseanne. Roseanne Park," she said as she put her hand out for me to take. "My family calls me Chaeyoung, my friends call me Rosie, and my best friend calls me Chaengie. I have a dog named Hank who I miss terribly, which reminds me, I should set up a Facetime call with him tonight. I love to eat, literally, you can feed me anything and I would be so grateful. This is my first time living alone overseas and I'm here for six months. I've actually only been here about a week. Oh, and I'm 24 years old and yesterday I learned how to change the bulb in my kitchen and—"

"Wait, wait, wait. Seriously? You're giving me your entire life story two minutes into meeting each other? That's how you're going to die out here!" I raised my voice at her, my eyes wide and not quite believing that someone this naïve was left all alone to fend for herself here.

But suddenly, the excitement in her eyes was replaced with... sadness? She visibly deflated, her shoulders slumped and her lips jutting out into a pout.

"I'm sorry," she said, her tone soft. "I just... haven't really made any friends around here and I got excited."

I watched as her eyes glossed and felt a wave of guilt wash over me. Suddenly, I felt responsible for this little naïve girl in front of me, immediately making me want to take on the responsibility of keeping her alive until we both go back to where we came from.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo. It was nice to meet you. I'll see you around," she said, turning around and heading for her front door, her shoulder still slumped as she dragged her feet.

God, she is so dramatic.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I said, catching her attention and making her turn right back to face me.

"Going back into my apartment?" she said, almost unsure.

"You're going back in... without inviting your new friend? They really don't teach you any manners where you come from, huh?" I said to her, grinning.

As soon as I said those words, she visibly perked up again. She smiled at me, all her pearly whites on display. Adorable.

Wait, what?

"Well then, new friend, come on over!" she excitedly exclaimed as she unlocked her front door, swinging it wide open.

"You sure? I mean, I could be a serial killer for all you know..."

"Then you can tell me all about your serial killing adventures!"

I put my thumb and my index finger under my chin to show her that I was thinking, before I broke out into a smile. "Fine, but you're going to have to feed me. Serial killers need food too, you know?"

"Okay," she said, still with that silly little grin on her face that I couldn't help but reciprocate.

honey and the moon | (chaesoo)Where stories live. Discover now