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"Why the fuck am I waking up to the sun on my fucking face?", I thought the moment I opened my eyes. I looked over to my left to find my curtains drawn, and I couldn't remember if somebody decided to fuck with me and open them up (for god knows what reason), or if all this was my doing, that maybe I forgot to close them the night before.

I was about to make a move to get out of bed by harshly removing my blanket off my body, attempting to stand up only to have a pounding headache welcome me into the world of the living.

Fucking hell.

I held my head that was throbbing in pain, my eyes shut close, and a groan escaping me. I tried to think about why I'm feeling this way, but nothing comes to mind, pissing me off even more. Still, I've been trying my best to not lash out first thing in the morning (which is proving to be increasingly difficult at the moment) and so I sat up in bed, still holding my head that felt like it was about to explode, and took slow, steady breaths. It seemed to have helped considering the fact that I was finally getting my thoughts into perspective, giving me a chance to actually remember what the fuck happened the night before.

I was with Lisa last night.

We went to a party hosted by this hot sorority girl whose name I couldn't even remember.

Some kappa mappa bappa bullshit. Whatever.

I think  we made out in her bedroom.

I think  there was some heavy groping there, too.

Shit, I remember she smelled like she poured the entire contents of a cheap Victoria's Secret perfume on her body. She smelled sweet... artificial, does that even make sense?

I was taken out of my thoughts when I suddenly felt the bed move beside me, and lo and fucking behold, it's little miss sorority girl who smelled like artificial strawberries and vomit. Not exactly the best mix of scents especially now that I had a headache that was getting worse by the minute.

I looked to her side and saw that she had her bare back facing me, immediately making me look down at myself and seeing that I was naked too.


So we did have sex last night.


At this, I decided that I couldn't stay in this bed any longer, my throbbing head be damned. And so I got up and started to collect my clothes that were scattered all over the floor. As I was starting to wear my clothes again, I looked around me and realized that I was in someone else's dorm. If the pink walls weren't a dead giveaway to me, that white fluffy beanbag just next to the bed would've nailed it. Because there is no way in hell that Jisoo Kim would be caught owning something that just screams "I'm a bimbo"

When I was finished, I opened whoever owned this dorm's fridge and took a water bottle. I took a big swig from it, already relieving my dry throat. After that, I walked over to the sleeping girl, whoever she is, and cocked my head to the side as I watched her sleep with her mouth wide open.

"Eh, you were a good one, I guess," I said as I continued to watch her. "I don't think I'd mind doing you again."

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