Another Update on the New Book

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I'm almost done with the first chapter. I'm like one fourth away from it being done. I take too long, I know, my dears. Though, since I'll be having a lot more free time as of late, let's hope I get more chapters done. I can't guarantee it, but I'll try to, okay?

Anyways, I'd say that the book is actually coming along good. I'm more chapters into my other yandere book series, though. I do what I want for the next few chapters of the new book, but I have to write them out before I get writer's block. (I hate writer's block. Anyone else does, too? *slowly looks around*)

Depending on how many chapters I write with the new book, I might make a epilogue to show what happened after or do a new one shot book. It all depends. I hate saying this all the time when I write stories, but it does really depend on when I have motivation, but I need to stop slacking and actually set these goals. I need to be stop being a procrastinator and get my shit done.

If there are kids here, excuse my language. I don't care if you're 18, I'll still call you a kid. I am, after all, now 20. I call people older than me child as well.

Anyways, as usual my dears, have a great day, evening, or night.


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