We will take Khandavprasth and Ang.

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Arjun's P.O.V.

We walked into our chamber and saw Panchali crying she was sitting against a pillar we six exchanged looks, Jyesht nodded at me I nodded back and walked to Panchali

"Panchali," I called putting my hand on her shoulder she looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy

"Arya?!" she asked in joy, I chuckled and nodded

"But, How?" she asked

"Pitamaha." Nakul replied, she smiled, we all sat down I sat next to Panchali

"Pranipat, yuvraj." greeted a das

"Yes?" asked bhrata Yudhisthir

"Kumar Yuyutsu wishes to talk to you all." said the das

"Let him in." said bhrata Yudhisthir the das bowed and left

"Come sit, Panchali." I said helping Panchali up and making her sit on a throne Yuyutsu came in he walked to Jyesht and touched his feet

"Pranipat, Jyesht." greeted looking very happy we all exchanged looks

"Yutsu, how do you know that he's our Jyesht?" I asked

"I told him" we heard Mata we turned around and saw her and Kakashree

"Mata? You here?" I asked

"Putra Karn, which prdesh of the rajya have you decided to ask for?" asked Mata, sitting on Panchali's left as I was sitting on her right Kakashree sat next to Jyesht

"Which prdesh of the rajya should we ask for, Chachashree?" asked bhrata Bheem, we looked at him

"Which other prdesh is there in the Kuru rashtr which we can make our capital?" he asked 

"I know that putra. Believe me." said Kakashree putting his hand on Jyesht's shoulder

"I have no intention of being unjust to you. However," he said and stood up

"we are being lenient to Duryodhan. Of that I am sure. But my hands are tied." he said 

"What is lenient, Kakashree?" asked Panchali, Kakashree looked at her

"When one upholds justice with no love in one's heart no dharm nor happiness but has just fatigue and the sole desire to end further labour and in order to placate a person when he is rewarded or given a present instead of being punished it is called leniency, putri. The truth is, such a situation is the defeat of the one upholding justice. It is his failure." said Kakashree

"Putra Karn," he called, Jyesht looked at him

"possibly, you may get the less but if doing so can prevent a war within the Kuru vansh and establish peace in it, putra, then you should accept it whole-heartedly." said Kakashree we all nodded

"This is a request to all of you from your Kakashree.

"But which prdesh, Kakashree?" asked Nakul

"Is there no prdesh in the Kuru rashtr," paused Panchali

"where there is no prdesh? An uninhabitable place. A place that is terrorized by asuro and rakshaso." she said

"There are, Panchali. There are two of them. The names of those prdesh are Khandavprasth and Ang" said Jyesht

"Then we will ask for those prdesh. This way, at the time of the division there will be no fights within the family." said Panchali, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir and nodded

"Forget about a nager in that prdesh. There is not even a hut there, Panchali. How will you live there?" asked Nakul, Panchali smiled

"I am certain you know how to make a hut, arya. That would be more than sufficient for me." she said, we smiled

"Panchali is correct, Kul." said Sahadev we looked at him he stood up and walked to Nakul

"Creating something from scratch is always more gratifying." said 

"And Jyesht Dhritarashtr will give that region to you quite easily. But living there... will be exceedingly troublesome, putri Draupadi." said Mata

"Troubles.?" I said, they all looked at me

"Difficulties give birth to glory, fame and prestige. It is the mother to all three." I said, the all smiled

"We will take Khandavprasth and Ang." I said

"This decision of yours will relieve Tatshree of a great burden. Because of such benevolence uncle has decided to live with all of you." said Kakashree, we all smiled

"That is our good fortune, Chachashree." said bhrata Yudhisthir

"This is not only your good fortune, but also that of Tatshree. Do remember one thing, putro. Tatshree has struggled his entire life. The number of sacrifices he has made for the Kuru rashtr... cannot be achieved by a person... in a single lifetime." said Kakashree

"Pitamaha has served the Kuru rashtr and Kuru vansh his entire life, Chachashree. Now, we six bhaiyo along with our patni will always be at his service I have firm faith that henceforth Pitamaha will have to make no more sacrifices, Chachashree, Right?" added Jyesht looking at us we nodded

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