The birth of Dhrishtadyumn and Draupadi

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Drupad's P.O.V.

I walked over to the yajna

"Maharaj Drupad, the agni dev will fulfill your wishes. Your fate and the betterment of the Aryaverth future lies with the children born from this yajna." said mha rishi Yaj, I lit the yajna

Third person's P.O.V.

Kunti and her putro were sleeping. Arjun heard ruffling in the bushes he sprung up and turned around, Karn and Yudhisthir opened their eyes and looked at Arjun who was still looking at the bushes.

"What happened, anuj?" asked Karn

Karn's P.O.V.

"What happened, anuj?" I asked Arjun

"There's someone or something in the bushes, Jyesht." he said, Yudhisthir and I sprung up and looked into the bushes

"I think an animal is coming towards us." said Arjun, he picked up his knife, stood up and went into the bushes.

"Arjun! Come back! It might be something dangerous!" I yelled Mata, Bheem, Nakul and woke up

"Where is Arjun?" asked Mata worriedly

"Arjun, you come back here right now!" I ordered yelling

"He won't listen, until he finds out what's in the bushes, Jyesht" said Yudhisthir, I grunted in anger

Arjun's P.O.V.

"Arjun, you come back right now!" I heard Jyesht order, but I ignored him, I pulled the knife out from its case as I walked closer to what was in the bushes I walked closer and closer I moved the bushes and saw five rishis they had their hands joined with wounds and scars all over them they were looking at somethin, looking very scared I looked at what they were looking at and realized the were looking at my knife. I put it back in it's case and looked at the rishis confused.

"Pranipat." I said joining my hands, the rishis exchanged looks

"Who are you? And where are you coming from in this condition?" I asked the rishis, they exchanged looks again and stood up.

"We are coming from Panchal. Panchal raj, Drupad, had imprisoned us. We have fled from his captivity." said one of the rishis But on one can be so cruel to imprison rishis who can't defend themselves. I thought

"Come with me, my bhaiyo can heal you." I said, I went back with the rishis, Mata came running to me.

"Are you okay?" she asked, I smiled

"Mata, what can happen to me? I'm fine." I said Mata smiled then stopped as she looked at the rishis

"Kul, Dev you need to heal them." I said they nodded and went off, probably to bring healing herbs

Time skip

Mata was cooking for the rishis Nakul and Sahadev were applying a paste of healing herbs, bhrata Yudhisthir was laying the banana leaves for them to eat in, bhrata Bheem was giving them water, Jyesht and I served them the fruits we kneeled down.

"Please do begin." said Jyesht, the rishis started eating, they were eating very rashly, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem and I exchanged looks, Nakul and Sahadev, finished applying the paste and started giving air to the rishis

"Rishiver, I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart." I said to the rishis joining my hand

"No." said one of them

"You need not apologize. We were terrified. That's why, we were in hiding." he said I looked at them shocked

"Though rishis should not get frightened but when a mighty person tortures people, fear becomes a part of a weak person's nature." said another rishi

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