Birth of Ghatotkach

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Ten months later

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

A guard entered the rajya sabha,

"The priest from Panchal raj seeks permission to meet Maharaj." said the guard, pitashree gestured to let them in a priest and a das from Panchal entered the das had a thali in which had a mud pot and a scroll.

"Maharaj Dhritarashtr ka kalyan ho." said the priest and took the pot that was on the thali

"The Panchal raj has sent you a present, Maharaj." said the priest

"What is it, Duryodhan?" asked pitashree, I got up

"It is an mud pot, pitashree." I said, Dushasan chuckled and walked forward

"Since when did of the Panchal raj become so impoverished that instead of a gold pot he has sent an mud one? What is inside it?" he asked opening it, he put his hand in it and removed it shouting

Vidur's P.O.V.

"Since when did of the Panchal raj become so impoverished that instead of a gold pot he has sent an mud one? What is inside it?" asked Dushasan opening mud pot, There will be fire inside. But some people learn the hard way. I thought Dushasan put his hand in it and removed it shouting, I smirked Duryodhan walked forward

"Only a mud pot can hold fire, Maharaj. The rajkumar should know this." said the priest and picked up the scroll

"There is a letter for you." said the priest

"What does it say?" asked Jyesht, Duryodhan took the letter

"Nothing is written on it, pitashree." said Duryodhan, I smiled thinking It is written in lemon.

"Putra Duryodhan" I called, Duryodhan looked at me I stood up and walked forward

"hold this letter above the fire in that pot. The message will appear." I said

"Then do it yourself, maha mantri." said Duryodhan, stretching his hand and giving me the letter I smirked thinking. You don't believe me, well, see for yourself. I took the letter placed it above


We would like to invite the yuvraj of Hastinapur for rajkumari Draupadi's Swayamvar.

"Maharaj, this is the invitation for the rajkumari of Panchal, Draupadi's Swayamvar" I said

"What is the meaning of sending an invite in this manner, Vidur?" asked Jyesht

"Our rajkumari was born from the fire of yajna, Maharaj. And this magical pot has the power to bear fire in it. If there is such a yuvraj in the kingdom then he is invited to take part in the competition, Maharaj." said the priest, he put the pot back on the thali

"Aagya dijiye" he said joining his

"Aagya hai" said Jyesht the priest left

"Was that an invitation or an insult, pitashree?" asked Duryodhan

"It is just like fire, mere bachche." said Gandhar Raj Shakuni, we looked at him

"Just like fire. If one can control it it gives life but if one cannot it leads to death. The truth is that this letter is an invitation or also an insult Is there a yuvraj in Hastinapur who can be sent to this Swayamvar?" said Gandhar Raj Shakuni, Oh dear, we can't make Duryodhan the yuvraj when Yudhisthir is alive, this will be an adharm. I thought

"Avashya. I am the heir to this kingdom." said Duryodhan and laughed

"But mere bachche you have not yet been declared the yuvraj. And the invitation is only for the yuvraj." said Gandhar Raj Shakuni closing his left eye, I looked down

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