Narad Muni's advise

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Arjun's P.O.V.

"But Mata-"

"It's my order, Karn," said Mata interrupting Jyesht, Sahadev ran in

"that whatever Jun has received must be divide equally among you six bhaiyo." said Mata we bhaiyo looked at her stunned I looked at rajkumari Draupadi she looked as stunned as we were Mata got up and was going to put a tilak on Jyesht stopped as she looked at him, he was looking down angrily

"What happened, putra?" asked Mata, he looked up at her then at me Mata looked at me rajkumari Draupadi stepped from behind me Mata looked stunned she looked at rajkumari Draupadi from bottom to top I looked at rajkumari Draupadi again Mata shivered tearing up and dropped the thali in her hand

"What did you say, Mata? I got the putri of Panchal raj Drupad, as dan." I said, I walked to her

"I got a patni, Mata. Your putrawadu. And... and unknowingly, you ordered us six brothers to divide her amongst ourselves. How can a woman be divided into six parts, Mata?" I said, Mata didn't reply

"How?!" I asked, rajkumari Draupadi fell down to her knees and a pouch fell out of her pocket she opened it and the seven stones Madhav had given to us

"Govind knew about this..." she mumbled

"Draupadi." Mata mumbled

"Draupadi, You and Arjun will get married." said Mata, rajkumari Draupadi looked at me

"And... and the rest of my sons take sanyas" said Mata, rajkumari Draupadi wiped her tears

"Sanyas is the path of courage, Mata. It is not a refuge when running away from problems. Who will benefit from the sanyas of your putro? And rajkumar Bheem is married. Why should his first patni be punished?" she said

"There is no other way, putri." said Mata, rajkumari Draupadi looked at me again I looked down she looked back at Mata

"When a woman gets married she enters her new home and family then she comes with the hope to become that family's good fortune. How can I bring misfortune to Maharaj Pandu's family and his lineage, Mata? Through these seven stones, Govind has ordered me to marry all you six putro, he said that I was born have been born to acquire the seven bases of dharm resembling these seven stones knowledge, love, justice, dedication, sacrifice, trust and patience" said rajkumari Draupadi pointing at each stone he said I already sacrifice because I sacrificed myself for my pita, you six putro represent knowledge, love, justice, dedication, kindness and patience." she said and looked at the seven stones

"But that will be adharm, putri. You either have marry Arjun, or Karn." said Mata, Jyesht looked up stunned

"from the six of them five of them have to take Sanyas, putri" she said

"Then answer this question of mine, Mata. I will make the sacrifice. Rajkumar Arjun, Yudhisthir, Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev will make sacrifices. Will the burden of so many sacrifices allow your Jyesht putra to live?" asked rajkumari Draupadi, Mata, bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I looked at her stunned

"No." said rajkumari Draupadi shaking her head

"You took me as an object and property, and you unknowing divided me amongst your six putro. I deem your mistake to be my destiny. I..." rajkumari Draupadi stopped and wiped her tears she took a deep breath and let go

"I will marry your six putro." she said, we all looked at her stunned I teared up

"But how will I be able to divided the love I have for rajkumar Arjun" she said looking at me, I wiped my tears

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