Ch20 - Calm Thoughts

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"How's training going with Ana?" Steve asks

"It's going well, she's almost mastered the telekinesis," Wanda says

"In one day?"

"Yeah. It must be all the stuff Hydra in her system" Wanda says jokingly

"What's going on with her and Pietro?" Steve asks looking out the window at you and Pietro running laps and laughing

"I don't think they've decided yet."

You meet up with Wanda in the basement for the next day of training, eager to learn more about what you can do. Now that training is with people that care, it feels like a break.

"Oh hi, what are you doing down here, Nat?"

"Can't I be down here too?" she says in a serious tone

"Oh um, yes of course I-"

"She's messing with you," Wanda says, giving Nat a stern, but happy look, "She's down here to help with the telepathy practice.

"You're no fun," Nat says to Wanda.

"So what do I do for telepathy?" you ask, getting nervous now that you have an audience.

"I'm going to manipulate your mind and help you focus on your thoughts, then you can practice on me and Nat," Wanda explains

"And I've heard you learn fast, so let's see it."

The three of you sit down where you and Steve sat a few nights ago, but that memory isn't haunting you as much. Now you remember the purple light fluttering everywhere as you moved sand with your mind. It's a much better thought. Wanda reaches for your forehead and you quickly punch her hand out of the way.

"I'm so sorry. It's the serums and my reflexes, next time a bit of warning maybe?"

"Yeah, maybe. That's going to leave a bruise." Wanda says, in shock

She tries again and this time it leaves your mind blank. You feel one of your own thoughts flowing into your head but it's calm and so easy to focus on. It's your power. Now you see a bit of red mix with the purple.

"That's my power, mixing with yours." you hear Wanda say, but it wasn't out loud. It was in your mind and it was so clear which only happened with Pietro in the hallway.

You fall back into reality feeling so... new.

"Woah. It's so much quieter now, I can focus on each thought without stressing myself out. This feels so insane." you say watching Nat grin at you

"Now I want you to try on your own. Focus on your thoughts and I'll mix mine into yours." Wanda says, getting excited for you to experience it.

You close your eyes and visualize the stream outside your window. Now someone is skipping rocks in it and you hear them talk to you. "This is so fun." Wanda says, still in your mind "Yeah, it is." you say, keeping Nat in silence, "It's so much easier than telekinesis."

"How'd that work out?" Nat says, breaking up the visual of the stream.

"That was incredible," you say, completely amazed

"Now you need to try on Nat. Listen to what she's thinking." Wanda says

"That shouldn't be too hard, right?" you ask, with some built up confidence

You were wrong. Nat has learned to build up barriers in her brain, almost like she expected to run into a telepath at some point.

"She's hard to read huh?" Wanda asks

"Yeah. What's that about," you say, getting frustrated.

"It's not always going to be easy reading minds. Some expect that it's coming and they prepare their minds with guards and barriers and you have to learn how to break them down." Wanda says

You turn and look at Nat, trying again but it's useless, she's gotten really good and this just isn't as easy as you were expecting.

"Well, are you ready to fight?" Nat says

"What does that mean?" you say, getting a little excited.

"You'll see."

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