Ch5 - The Team

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Tony takes Peter out of the room and everyone watches you. Steve tells you to sit down and a new guy hands you a tissue.

"Hi, Ana. I'm Natasha. This is Bruce, Rhodey, Sam, Vision, Wanda, and Pietro." Nat says, going around the room.

"What an introduction, right?" you say, embarrassed about the previous events. "Can someone tell me what's going on?

"We're the Avengers," Sam says, sounding awfully proud. We all have some sort of ability or technology that helps us fight off whatever threats are outside this building."

"But we broke up." Vision says, "There was a disagreement a few years back and we decided it was best if we all went our separate ways. We got a call from Tony two months ago saying he needed help with something, an emergency."


"Right," Steve says, "But now he wants us to come back together. He told me he thinks you're the missing piece."

"How?" you ask, your voice getting louder, "I'm not the missing piece. I'm the threat you should be fighting."

Sam pipes up, "What do you mean?"

"Did Tony tell you nothing?"

"No, but that's not unusual," Nat explains.

"I was with Hydra. But you know that much." you suddenly remember the rescue, "Natasha, you were there, and so was Steve, and Sam."

"That's right" Vision croaks.

"They used me. They experimented on me. This," you say pointing to your arm, "Is a result of a broken arm. My friend had one just like it." you immediately turn red.

"There were others?" Wanda says.

"I guess so. My memories are foggy, but yeah, there were others."

"Ok, keep going, what was your friend's name?" Rhodey asks.

"I can't remember his real name but when we weren't under Hydras control, he told me it was Bucky. He was 'the soldier out of time'"

Steve goes pale and leaves the room.

"Did I say something wrong?" You ask, worried you messed up the first real relationship you had out of Hydra.

"No, this is just a lot on everyone, keep talking to us. Why would Tony want you a part of the group?" Nat says

You stop listening to everyone in front of you and start listening for Steve behind the walls. You hear him think "Buck's alive? That's not possible."

You stand up, walk to the door and swing it open, look at Steve and ask: "You knew Bucky? How could you have known him? He's been there longer than you've been alive!"

"How did you do that?" Pietro asks, impressed.

You continue to ignore them and wait for Steve's answer. "How did you know Bucky?" you ask again when all of a sudden you feel faint again and you fall to the ground.

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