Ch8 - The Words

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You look at Bucky and you can't hear what he's thinking. It's Hydra in his brain. An overwhelming sense of fear flows through you because the last time you fought him, they replaced parts of you. He strikes you across the chin and starts saying the words.

"Желание. (longing.)"

His mission must be to get you under Hydra's control.

"Ржавый. (rusted,)"

"I can't let him in," you think. "I have to keep him out of my head."

"Семнадцать. (seventeen)"

"Bucky, stop!" you scream, wishing he'd listen, but it's hopeless.

"Рассвет. (daybreak)"

You hit his jaw and make a few jabs at his ribs and he fights back, still speaking.

"Печь. (furnace)"

You let out a wailing scream, trying to fight him off and block out the words but it's getting so hard to resist.

"Девять. (nine)"

You see a shield fly in Bucky's direction and you watch him catch it and throw it back at Steve who was trying to help you.


"You have to make him stop! please" You scream out as you grab his arm and tie it behind his back.

"Возвращение на Родину. (homecoming)"

"NO!" you yell out, starting to lose control. His face goes unchanged as he says the last two words.

"Один. (one) Товарный вагон. (freight car)"

You stand up from your spot on the floor and run to Steve.

"Guys, I'm gonna need a little help." Steve yells

Tony, Sam, Vision, and Peter come flying in and attack you and Bucky from above while Nat, Pietro, and Wanda try to distract you from the ground. You and Bucky hold off their attacks for a while until Wanda overtakes Hydra in your mind and you both fall to the ground.

"We need to put them somewhere they can't escape, so we can get Hydra out of their systems," Steve suggests

"Are we sure that's a good idea? They just tried to kill you, Cap." Tony adds

"But you saw that Ana calmed down, and she even said there were times they weren't under Hydras control."

"You need to do it quickly. They're fighting me and I don't know how long I can hold this." Wanda says, groaning.

Peter is sitting at the table with his head in his arms when Bruce walks over to check on him. "You ok Pete?"

"I just didn't know how bad it was. She seemed ok earlier, but that, that wasn't my sister," answers Peter.

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