Ch9 - Foggy

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This time you didn't wake up in a comfy bed or with a nice view. This time you're locked in a glass room with another splitting headache.

"Does anyone have any medicine?" you call out to an empty room, but of course, Vision wasn't far.

"What happened?" you ask with a concerned look on your face as he hands you the pills.

"I'm not sure you want to know." He replies in a kind voice.

"I knew this would happen. Everything Hydra put inside me is still there, all he had to do was say the goddamn words," you say, sounding defeated," Did I hurt anyone?"

"You put up one hell of a fight, but everyone made it out ok," Vision says.

"Oh, God, Peter," you mumble

"Would you like me to bring him in?" Vision suggests

"No, that would probably make things worse. But thank you. Could I talk to Steve?"

"As you wish." Vision says, flying right through the glass walls.

You sit in silence for the next few minutes, trying to remember what happened. You were talking to the team and Bucky came in, you tried to fight him off but you couldn't keep the words out. After that, you have no memory.

Steve knocks at the glass "You were asking for me?" he says mockingly.

"You seem pretty chipper considering everything that's happened," you say.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"You found out that you died for nothing, and that your best friend from the '40s is still alive, and, that he wants to kill you."

"I guess that is a lot. Can I come in? You seem like you got a grasp on your mind right now." He asks

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm always ok until I hear those words."

"Yeah, What was that?"

"Hydra has words that trigger all of their Winter soldiers. It's like our 'on and off switch'. Say the words and send them on their mission, tranquilize them, and lock them away. Everyone has different wake words. Everyone except Bucky and I. I guess they wanted a near-exact replica, so they just copied and pasted," you explain, "What exactly happened last night? It's really foggy, like always."

"You ran off claiming you could take him and you got in a few good punches before he finished saying the words. You really tried hard to fight it," he says

"But what did I do? You were the mission. Did I hurt you?" you ask, worried

"No, I too have had some experiments done, so I handled it, I also had the rest of the team helping me out. I appreciate your concern though."

You hear a knock at the door, It's Peter and he looks worried.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone to talk, good luck Ana," Steve says before letting Peter in.

"Hi," you say, feeling your heart sink to the floor. He closes the door and it gets so loud. He's the only mind you can focus on in this room so the volume is turned up to 11.

"Hey," he says in response, "are you ok?" he asks.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm just embarrassed." you say, listening to his thoughts,   "Y
you're so quiet now"

"What? Oh! Right, my thoughts," Peter says, catching on," I was just worried about you, and you sound so ... I don't know... you sound normal, you sound ok. It calmed me down."

"Peter, did I scare you? I didn't want you to see me like that, especially after the way you reacted to my arm."

"Ana I-," Peter said, looking for the right words, "The fact that you're back is hard to get used to. This is a whole new ballpark, being brainwashed and all but I know you have control, and that's all that matters."

"Peter," you say, feeling embarrassed and guilty.

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