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It was now morning while both of the boys were still sleeping that is when the head maiden knock on the door and she opened the door. She said out loud with a rude tone "It is time to get up boys, it is 6 am, and it is time for breakfast so get up right now but freshen up but also brush your teeth gentleman!." Paul responded to the head maiden in an angry tone as he jumps up from the bed "Why are you yelling? we are right here and you almost broke my damn eardrums!." While James was pulling up the covers to his face as he was dying from laughter but the head maiden said to Paul "Excuse Me watch your tone with me you little brat and stop swearing at me you got one more time to ever swear or cuss at me in this house Mr. Greenwood; Because you are 16 years old does not mean you are grown or mean anything to me Paul; next time you swear at me you will be put in timeout with your nose in the corner and I mean it Paul Cummings Greenwood just remember sir your parents left you here in my care and in my orphanage when you were just a baby but they never came back for you but also I am your care provider!."

However, Paul Look into the head maiden Gray eyes even though he said to her," My Parents might have left me here in your care or here so you can take care of me but trust me one day I will get out of this hell hole or terrible place you a call home and go find my real parents when you least expect it or it might be up underneath your nose Mrs. Head Maiden when I find them because I know they are out there in the world somewhere but I will find them but also I feel it in my spirit they are out there very close!", and the head maiden rolled her eyes at Paul but let out a sinister laugh but also said to Paul "Good Luck Mr. Paul C. Greenwood because you will never find them or locate them!." As soon as the head maiden close the door that is when Paul said to James " Sugar Honey Ice Tea I hate that woman with all of my heart and with a passion I can not wait to get out of Sacred Heart Orphanage For Children because there is nothing sacred about this place or this orphanage buddy!" James replied to Paul "Agreed Buddy and I think we both should run away from this hell hole!."

Paul said to James " I Agree Buddy and we should never look back on or think about this place ever!" but James started to develop a grin on his face and said to Paul "Yes Buddy and the head maiden could kiss both of our assess on that day when we both are leaving or gone from this orphanage!." Both of the boys started to buss out laughing and tears were rolling down their faces look like they have been crying but also it came from all of the laughter they both were doing although both of them wipe their eyes but also gone to the closet to put on something to wear for today. However, both of the boys started walking down to the hallway, they open the door to the bathroom, and they both step into the bathroom to make sure nobody else was in there. As they were getting ready for breakfast like they were told to by the head maiden but they brushed their hair in the mirror in the bathroom that was located down the hallway and they brush their teeth when they were done brushing their teeth that is when they spat out what was in their mouth into the sink but also they had a rag to wash their face as well. That is when they heard "Knock Knock" on the door and a voice said Hurry Up I got to pee so bad please hurry up!."
The little boy was named Nickolas and he kept on continuing to knock on the door but that is when it became banging but also he said "Please I got to pee and I am about to pee on myself!, "Please Let me get into the restroom!", and " I Can not hold it in or my private part is going to burst or explode because of my weak bladder I have Please let me in!" but the banging kept on going. "Okay! Okay! Okay!" said James as he was unlocking the door out of damn frustration so Nickolas can stop being a little brat but annoying ass little brat at the same damn time but also stop causing a scene because which could attract the head maiden' s or anyone attention to the bathroom door. Because of all the hollering he was doing which was loud as thunder,however, Paul said out of an anger tone and irritation tone to James." I really do wish he would shut the hell up!, right now I have a huge headache from all of the racket he is at the damn moment causing about right now buddy, and I am like damn does he ever stop speaking.Or stop talking because he is so fucking annoying but because he is driving me pure insane but also or up the damn wall !". In addition even though James responded back to his buddy Paul's comment " I sincerely agree buddy! I honestly truthfully totally agree with you buddy!, because he is so very fucking annoying to me as well,and does Nickolas or does he not knowing or having the knowledge when to think about shutting his damn mouth for once in his very long lifetime because he needs to be thinking about.

Quick GunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora