Chapter 2: Electric Blue

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I didn't know what to do or how to react or even what the heck was happening. All I know is when her lips met mine, I felt electric. Nothing like how kissing Carson felt like, or how kissing anyone felt like.

She pulled back after one kiss and looked into my eyes. I could tell she was scared, shocked even. Like she couldn't believe she just did that. I couldn't either. My red lipstick mixed with her blue lipstick and on her lips were smudges of red and purple.

I just stared up at her, letting her hold me down by my wrist to the bed. She was in complete control, but I didn't try and fight her. I'd never seen Josie get like this before. Josie has lots of moods, but I've never seen her have that look in her eyes.

I was so confused. Like, I didn't know Josie rolled that way. She's only ever dated guys in the past, but all her relationships are short and forgettable. Never even lasting a single month. Well, all except one, Ian Fleming. Her ex, who is a quiet guy and always keeps to himself. Kind of a weirdo if you ask me. They dated for a whole year.

I watched her eyes water over and before I could move or say anything, she kissed me again. Much harder this time, more force and desperation behind it. Again, I felt electrified. I found myself kissing her back.

She pulled back and caught me leaning in for another kiss.

Her grip on my wrist weakened and we shared a look, some unspoken understanding that whatever was about to happen would stay between us, forever. She looked down at my lips, I couldn't help but glance down at hers. Next thing I know we are lip locked again.

She moves her hands to my waist, sliding up my shirt.

I move my hands to her shoulders, slowly moving down her back.

She repositions herself to get more comfortable. Now she is directly over me, fully on the bed. I run my hands up her arms to her neck and kiss her again. Our lips make soft kissy sounds.

I felt her hand move under my bra and I let out a soft mew in pleasure which gave her the opening to slide her tongue into my mouth. It was then that I tasted how drunk she was. It was overbearing.

I quickly snapped to my senses and pushed her off.

She caught her breath before leaning down and kissing me again.

"Emm," I grunted in protest as her tongue slid into my mouth once more.

I pushed her back and struggled to catch my own breath.

"Kat..." she said my name.

"You're drunk," I pointed out.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this," She slurred.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

"What?" I said in confusion.

"You're pretty," she said before kissing me again.

I pushed her off and slid out from under her, walking away from the bed, catching my breath. When I looked in the mirror my lipstick was completely messed up. It was all smeared and purply now.

"You're drunk, and what is even happening right now?" I turned to her.

She just stared at me with glazed eyes.

"We shouldn't be doing this. Just, go to sleep."

She slid off the bed and wobbled over to me before nearly tripping on herself and falling into my arms.

"Josie, what has gotten into you?" I said.

It's not like I haven't seen her drunk before. Because I have, but she's usually one of those crazy drunks you have to watch after or she'll do something crazy like set a house on fire or jump into a freezing lake. I've never seen her like this before. I don't even know how to describe the current state she's in.

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