Passion Pit

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"AWW MAN! AGAIN?!" whined Dennis. The ace of spades emerged from Leo's palm and landed onto the card pile with a thwap. The flashlight that illuminated its presence wavered as Al guffawed.

Dylan snickered, combing his black wavy hair. "One more round and you spot all of us, slabak," he said. He laid down his deck.

Dennis stood up and slammed his deck onto the seat, annoyed. "What?! The Commie too?! That's it! I-q--"

"If you quit my dear Dennis, you will still owe me a refreshment," Leo warned, his British accent toying with Dennis's sanity. A sinister grin was plastered on the gambler's face. He shuffled his cards and they zipped between his palms, the numbers and symbols blurring like a zooming specter.

"Us too, Water-Works," Al added, laughing. He flicked the switch of the flashlight on and off, signaling the end of the round.

Dennis plopped back down, pouting. "Argh fine--another round."


A few rows ahead, B was calling out to Lee.

"Hey hothead! Got a light?!" B yelled.

"Hey man shut your trap! We're trying to watch a flick here!" yelled some jock.

B stuck up a middle finger, and resumed waving his arms to get the redhead's attention.

The redhead flicked his lighter on and waved, making his way to Number II.

"Yeah yeah I'm comin," Lee muttered.

"He's got a point, B. I think you should shut up," Ellie quipped, giggling.

He turned to her and smiled. "Oh, I will. Once I get a lit square between my teeth, I'm set for the night."

She crossed her arms. "Ever consider that some people don't like the smell?" she asked.

He smirked. "Ever consider that we're outside?" he countered.

Lee came over and flipped open his lighter, the flame brushing the end of B's cigarette. Once caught, B inhaled and puffed the smoke into the air with satisfaction.

"Need anything else, Your Highness?" Lee asked sarcastically.

B shook his head. "Tch, wise guy. Go play with the fresh meat, why doncha?" he commanded.

Lee kicked the car's tire before his exit.

Ellie watched the redhead leave. "Dictator much?" she asked, turning to B.

He sighed fumes of tobacco, up and away from the girl next to him. "Comes with the number, baby," he replied, smirking.


Lee weaved between cars, returning to his. In the back seat, Number XIII and Number XIV were enjoying soft-serve ice cream on wafer cones.

"Hey Lee! Come get your ice-cream before it melts!" exclaimed Number XIII, extending an untouched cone.

"Thanks for spotting me, Rocco," replied Lee, smiling. He received the soft-serve with gusto.

"This flick is amazing too!" said Number XIV. She tucked her short black hair behind her ear, gingerly eating the ice cream. "Thanks for inviting us," she added. She licked her lips and demurely wiped her cute cheeks, maintaining a ladylike demeanor despite the haphazard nature of ice cream consumption.

"Hey it's the least I could do, Sherry," Lee said, grinning. "As the next gen of the gang, you're required to attend all social events... Including stupid ones like this," he grumbled, rolling his eyes.

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