1. Uphill Gardener •NEW EDITION•

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I got into the car, letting the engine roar to life for a minute before putting it in reverse and pulling out of my driveway to head to school.

Fuck. I thought as something came to mind. That uphill gardener is still in my house, naked, on my bed, and probably sleeping.

Fuck. I thought once more.

That little shit got his way.


I walked into the locker rooms, as pissed as ever. I can't believe it. That little shit tricked me into getting him to stay at my house.

I think.

The only thought I had now was how to murder someone without getting caught. Also how I needed to call Louis and get him to practice and out of my house.

"Hey Har- what's got you all tense, mate?" My teammate, and best mate, Niall, asked once he saw me.

"Nothing. I do need to call someone real quick, give me a minute." I told him, pulling out my phone and chucking my bag to the ground.

I found Louis' number, which is used for lust purposes only—I would never have his number in my phone for anything else, and called it.

"I thought you didn't want a round two?" I heard him say.

"I don't. But you know what I do want?" I asked.

"Me, obviously."

"No; You to get the hell out of my house and maybe get your ass to football practice."

"Well my ass is too sore to move. Oh, and where to you keep your extra bedsheets? I wasn't planning on changing them, but I got it a little messy after jacking off."

"They're in the clos- are you fucking kidding me? You fapped on my bed?"

"Whoa. Who are you talking to, H?" Niall asked, eyes lightening up. What can I say? Kids a sucker for drama. Ever since we met in year four he always had to know the tea. No matter who it was about, to live, Niall had to know.

"Okay one, no one says 'fapped' you old man. And two, is that Niall? Can I say hi?"

"No you can't say hi to him."

"Who is it Harry?" Niall said, snatching my phone. Something inside of me was saying how bad a thing this was.

"Hello, random-person-that-beat-their-meat-on-my-best-mate's-bed, I'm Niall, and you are?" Niall asked, putting the phone on speaker.

I took this time to appreciate Louis' name being 'Hazza's Toy' in my phone and not his actual name because the kid couldn't bare the thought that he was like everyone else and had a normal name in my phone. He had to be special.

Louis named himself. I, would never save someone as such a silly thing into my contacts.

"Niall hang up-" I tried to warn once more,

"Niall Horan? Oh my god I'm literally in love with you!" Louis exasperated in a high pitched voice.

Niall shot me a funny look to which I shot right back. Again, Louis is not normal.

"Uhh, yeah. W-who are you again?"

"Barbara Streets from art. Do you not remember me?"

"No. I don't remember you..Why is your name in Harry's phone 'Hazza's Toy'?"

Oh boy, here we go.

"Because I'm his toy. He plays with me. I also play with him, but I mostly just fuck hi-"

I fake coughed,

"Was that my Hazza-bear just now? Do you have something to say, babe?" He asked me, high pitched voice rivaling to be the worse sound ever heard by man kind.

"Girls don't have dicks." I said, trying to remind 'Barbara' that 'she' can't fuck me.

"Random well-known fact but okay, H." Niall laughed.

I've always wondered what happened to Niall before I met him. Did he get dropped on his head? Flung down the stairs? Hit with a Football? One of those had to have happened and it's a good thing I'm here to protect him from all the bad things trying to damage his half-witted brain even more than it already is.

"Well it's not known to me. Last I checked, which was when Hazza fucked me this morning, I had a dick."

"You know Harry, I always thought you were gay. I guess I was wrong." Niall patted me on the back, thankfully ignoring Louis' comment. I spluttered for words, but none came. "We'll go out for drinks tonight to celebrate you becoming a man. After all these years of trying to get you to lose your virgin-"

"Shut up, Niall." I tried to intercept. I've had sex before. Of course I have...just last night was the first time I shoved my dick into someone else...and a few months ago was the first time I had a dick shoved inside me, but Louis didn't need to know that. His ego was already bigger than his and Niall's brains combined.

"Harry. Was I your first? Did you top for the first time with me? I feel so honored. If it makes you feel any better, you were the first person I fucked too."

"Wait. She jerked off on your bed, has a dick, and fucks you? H, I don't think your dating a girl." Niall laughed. I wonder what goes on in his brain.

"We're not dating."

"You don't have to pretend, babe."

"Piss off."

"You know, you're starting to sound like Louis, Harry." Niall said, laughing a bit. I flipped him the bird, walking off.

Fuck them.

A/N: I won't normally put AN's at the end of my chapters, but I just want to say Make sure to comment, vote, and follow. ;b xx

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