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I heard the locks on my room begin to move and footsteps along the floor as someone made their way over to me, I kept my head towards the ground as I was forcefully pulled off the floor and to my feet. Another man came and took a hold of my other arm as they dragged me out into the corridor lined with men holding fancy looking guns, they were taking me somewhere, they probably wanted to stick another needle in me. 

The two men continued to drag me along the floor, it wasn't that I didn't have the energy to walk, I was completely fine, I was just stubborn and purely didn't feel like walking. They went straight past the door to my usual procedure room and continued down the hall into a different room, larger than my usual one. Once I was pushed inside the room, all I could hear was screams, heart-breaking screams of torture coming from a man strapped into a chair in the middle of the room. 

I was sat on the floor in the corner of this room, the man's screams echoing through my head, my heart shattering more and more every time when I suddenly felt a strong grip on my shoulders. I was snapped back to reality, sweat dripping down my forehead, by the tall god I had met yesterday, "Lady Romanoff are you ok" he paused as if what he was contemplating not speaking again, "you was screaming in your sleep and your sweating and there's a few things floating around in the air and the entire room in coated in ice."


Stella moved her hands together, almost as if she was clapping, and all of the floating objects fell to the floor and the room returned to normal but she was still in shock. Stella hadn't had a nightmare since she found Hugo again and she thought she never would again, "I'll be ok, thank you very much for waking me" Stella told the man softly giving him a little smile. 

"If you say so but please tell me if you need anything. Also it's 2pm and Fury asked to see you when you get the chance." Thor replied to her as he made his way out of her room. Stella could remember exactly what happens throughout the rest of that nightmare like it was yesterday , it was the day she really knew the Stella she used to be was gone, she was never 'good' as you might like to call it she had been trained to be an assassin her whole life but she always had a little bit of hope she could get out. Until that day. 

Stella knocked on the office door waiting for a call for her to come inside, she opened the door and walked inside "Agent Romanoff thank you for coming" the one eyed man said as he gestured to the seat on the opposite side of the desk to him. "I first of all wanted to thank you for showing the others some of your abilities without killing anyone or burning anything down yesterday and there has been a development in the murder of Hugo Petrov." he told her while sliding a file across the desk. She opened it and looked up to the man that sat in front of her "do you recognise either of the men?" he questioned.

"They didn't do it" she said sharply placing the file back on the desk as she started to leave.

"Ms Romanoff I'm going to have to order you to stay. At least until you tell me why you are so certain that neither of these men killed your fiancé." he told her trying to keep a calm voice to avoid angering her. Fury knew exactly why these men couldn't have possibly killed Hugo he just needed her to say it, to prove it to him.

"Because I killed them" she told him blankly, a small smile creeping on her face as her inner dark soldier began to creep out, "now if you'll excuse me I think I'm going to do some target practice, we do have a God to take down in the upcoming weeks don't we" and with the she walked out of the room leaving Fury with the proof he needed even though he so desperately wanted her to tell him she didn't kill them, that they were just random people she had never seen before in her life. 


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