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"Ms Romanoff has left the building we have about a 15 minute window before she returns. Any mistakes could lead to an insane amount of deaths, it is vital that she agrees to come with us. We can't fight her" said the man with one eye to the surrounding agents, he spoke with authority. "You take out the fiancé and then you get the hell out of there."


"I'm not letting you go out there Stella" said the boy with fear in his voice "Every person in this dam country wants you dead"

"I can handle a few men with guns Hugo" she said with a slight laugh as she kissed hip softly on the lips, "Besides if I don't we'll both starve to death anyway" The woman walked over to the door strapping several guns and knifes to her body and putting on a large black coat to cover all of them. "I'll be no longer than 20 minutes. Stay away from any windows and never, never put down your gun" said Stella ask she walked out of the door. 

"Ms Romanoff has left the building we have about a 15 minute window before she returns. Any mistakes could lead to an insane amount of deaths, it is vital that she agrees to come with us. We can't fight her" said the man with one eye to the surrounding agents, he spoke with authority. "You take out the fiancé and then you get the hell out of there."

The small group of agents made their way to the still, silent house. They knew the only had one shot at this guy, who to make things harder was the son of Russian mafia leader Maxim Petrov and fiancé of the most deadly assassin in the world, if they messed up in any way they risked awakening The Dark Soldier again. 

They counted to 3 before attempting to break down the door, steel reinforcements they could be a problem and they had also now lost the element of surprise. They attached the explosives to the door hoping that if they couldn't knock it down they could at least blow it up, it worked, and the agents stormed the room. They knew what the had to do and they all fired at the man stood in front of them, that was easier than they thought it would be. The man now laid dead on the floor in front of them and they quickly left the house. 

Stella returned to the house 15 minutes later. The door was none existent as she sprinted into the house and there he laid breathless on the floor. Hugo Petrov the love of her life and father of her unborn child had been murdered. The girl sunk down onto the floor next to her dead fiancé tears falling from her eyes.  

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