006. . . needle to flesh

Start from the beginning

"Did you have something against running away?" Peggy asked Steve.

He sighed and shook his head, "You start running, they'll never let you stop. You stand up, you push back. They can't say no forever right?"

"I know a little of what that's like, to have every door shut in your face." Peggy shared.

"I guess I just don't know why you'd join the Army if you were a beautiful dame," Steve began which made Mulan furrow her brows and pinch the bridge of her nose, "Or a beau- a woman, an agent," Peggy looked at Steve in disbelief, " not a dame. You are beautiful, but.." He ended trailing off.

Peggy shook her head as she looked at him and remarked, "You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?"

He breathed out a laugh and replied, "I think this is the longest conversation I've had with one, other than 'Lan," He ticked his head towards Mulan, causing her to smile, "Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on."

"You must have danced." Peggy implied.

"Well asking a woman to dance always seemed so terrifying. And the past few years, it just didn't seem to matter that much, I'd figure I'd wait." Steve shrugged.

"For what?" Peggy pondered.

"The right partner." He declared with a nod as Peggy grinned. Their escort then pulled over the car and parked outside an antique shop. 

"Don't worry Steve you'll find her one day I promise you," Mulan assured as she gave Steve a small hug as they got out the car.

"What are we doing here?" Steve asked for Peggy to reply with,  "Follow me."

As they walked in an older woman came out of the back of the shop with a smile. "Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?" She quizzed.

"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella," Peggy responded.

The lady then moved behind the counter to press a button that opened the bookshelf to a hidden office. At this Mulan gasped and muttered, "Fucking cool." The trio then walked down the hallway to the procedure room with a large group of scientists moving around wires and machines. Their conversations halted as they stared at the man they would hopefully turn super-soldier. "Cmon." Mulan patted Steve's shoulder trying to ease his nerves and get him down the stairs.

"Good morning," Dr. Erskine started with a gentle handshake when a click with a flash of light went off meaning someone took a picture. "Please, not now." He dismissed "Are you ready?" He asked which he received a nod from a speechless Steve. "Good. Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat." A nervous Steve then looked back at Peggy before handing his items to a nurse.

Steve then lied down in the big machine with Mulan and Peggy standing at the end of it. Mulan was a nervous wreck on the inside but put on a neutral face not wanting to raise Steve's nerves any higher. She was worried if the procedure would be successful or kill him or give him odd side effects like three nipples. "Comfortable?" Dr. Erskine asked Steve who took a deep breath and answered, "It's a little big, you save me any of that schnapps?"

The doctor shrugged and said, "Not as much as I should have. I mean me and Mulan did share but sorry, next time." This caused the skinny man to look up at Mulan with a 'Really?' look to which she nervously smiled back and gave him two thumbs up then made a heart shape with her hands. Steve scoffed a laugh and laid back down. "Mr. Stark, how are your levels?" The doctor asked raising his voice

"Levels at 100%." Howard Stark replied.


"We might dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we'll ever be," Howard mentioned as he gazed at the boy in the contraption then at Mulan giving her a flirty smile, she smiled back to be polite but was thinking what the hell?!

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